またも忘年会に行きました!僕の友人ヒロさんはS'factoryって言うレザー アンド シルバーの店と長い付き合いがありまして、僕は今年の秋に紹介してもらいました。陣内社長は本当にいい人で僕と同じ風に国際結婚をしていまして、初対面から仲良くなりました。この間は昼過ぎから忘年会に参加しました、家族をつれて店のほうに行きまして美味しいタイ料理を食べながらビールとバイクの話で盛り上がりました。誘ってくれてありがとうございます、陣内さんこれを見てくれると思っているのでこの場を借りてお礼を申し上げたいです、今年はお疲れ様でした来年もよろしくお願いします!もし店は気になっているのであればぜひともhttp://s-factory.ne.jp/ を選択してください! Don't Miss It!

Last weekend I dropped by S'factory for another end of the year party, a good friend of mine introduced me to the shop and it's owner Mr. Jinnai a couple of months ago. And since I really like the stuff the sell and the fact that Mr. Jinnai's wife is Thai, I found it that we both had a lot in common and we soon found a good realationship. Anyway, I brought the kids over to the shop and by the time we got there, the party was already in a good swing. There was great Thai food and beer and lot's of talk about silver, bikes, and leathers, so I had a great time and so did the kids. Anyway I thought I would say thank you to Mr. Jinnai and Hiro for inviting me to the party, and also whish you all a great new year. Let's keep in touch! If you were wondering what kind of stuff the sell then please don't hesitate to check out their website,
http://s-factory.ne.jp/ Don't Miss It !