僕はX-マスは本当は好きですけど、今年の12月は今までの12月と違って本当にいろいろがあって,あっという間にもう22日になりました。もうあさってじゃないですか!まだプレゼントを考えてないです。。。そういえば何となく毎年そういうばたばたする時期だな~と思い出しました。えらない物を買っても嬉しくないし、それに自分は本当に何が欲しい?ジムでも忙しいし、やっぱりただ単純に美味しい食事を家族と友達で食べて子供と遊べばいいかなーと思います。楽しんでればなんでも大丈夫だよ!Merry X-mas Everybody!
I always liked X-mas, I mean who doesn't everyone get's presents and you get to eat all the great foods with the best people in the whole world, your family. I actually have to teach a class of kickboxing this year because there is no one that can fill in for me, this is something I have not done in a very long time. But you know it's like I just didn't have enough time this year, I can't beleive that it's already the day after tomorrow. I still haven't found out what I am getting my wife, I really don't whish for anything more than a great dinner with my family and some friends. I hope this year is gonna be as fun as the other years. Anyway, Merry X-mas everybody.