Monday, December 12, 2005

忘年会。。。End of the year parties...

Last week Bambinaccio had the hardest fight of his life yet, he went up against a Iranian fighter that we had no info on what so ever. The guy was built like a brick house and came out strong in the first round, Will never really got started when he suddenly was hit by a elbow across the temple! Wow, that hurt and he barely made it back up in the 8 count. After that he was in serious trouble and got dropped again! I was screaming for him to get back up and just wait for the bell, because although he was in trouble the other guy was running out of steam, and there would be a chance for redemtion in the second round. True enough, we made it to the second round and then it was all Bambinaccio's fight. Winning by K.O. I know I am a bit late with this info but I have been really busy going to different Bonen-Kai ( end of the year Party's) And this last Saturday, we had one for the gym! Bowling and BBQ. It was great getting together with everyone and just partying it up. I had a great time although I realised that I need to work on my bowling technique.


先週月曜日にBambinaccioは全日本キックで情報なしの無名なイラン人と試合することになりました。ピットブルな体系で見た瞬間”これはやばいでしょう!”って感じだったけど、スタミナはないでしょうと思いながら、1ラウンドはきついぞう!Willガード下げるなよ。1ラウンドでヒジで一回ダウンされてからまたもパンチでダウン!俺はおもいきり叫んでいました!”立つんだ!ジョー立つんだ~”って感じでした!さすがTeam Spirit!頑張ってくれました、2ラウンドはBambinaccioの一方的だった、K.O.勝ち!
この情報は一週間遅れている理由は忘年会にたくさん参加しました。。。それで土曜日にジムの忘年会がありまして、僕はひどいことされまして。。。何と2Ch. でその話題になっていてらしい!気をつけないといけないですね。


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