Sunday, November 27, 2005

Koichi Pettas コウイチ ペタス 

Gold's Gym Omori, R.I.S.E. is the event that we are fighting in. It is Koichi's 4th. fight and until now he has had 3 wins with 2 K.O.'s, he is like my little brother and that's why when he had his first fight and we all sat around and talked about his ring name he asked me if he could do like the thai fighters do. They take the last name of their teacher into the ring out of respect and to honor the teacher for bringing the fighter up. I thought he was joking but he has now become known as Koichi Pettas in Japan, and he deserves it 100%. Yesterday's opponent was a fighter from a very good gym down in Fukuoka, called the REAL DEAL. They are famous for their light weight fighters, but this was the first Heavy weight fighter I had seen coming out of that gym. It was a really good fight, Koichi dropped him with left hook in the first minute. After that he rushed him but couldn't finish it, and then the other guy showed everyone that he was a REAL DEAL fighter, he turned the table on Koichi and rushed him right back. It startet looking bad, but Koichi is as tuff as they come and fought him hard back. During a clinch he hooked the other guys neck and gave him a knee in the face, after that the referee stepped in and stopped the fight. The other guy had a 3 cm. cut across his eye, and that was all he wrote that day. 1. round T.K.O. Winner Koichi Pettas. I was so proud of him and we all went out for Korean BBQ.


 R.I.S.E. 大森Gold's Gym、メインイベントの前の試合です、コウイチ ぺタス  の4試合目です。本人は冷静で落ち着いていたように見えたけど、やはり緊張感は隠せなくって非常にいい顔をしていた。相手のことはよくコンビネーションを出すって言う情報しかなかったので、いつもどうりでやるしかないでしょうとのアドバイスしました。試合が始まってまもなくコウイチのフックが入ってあいてダウン!その後は激しい打ち合いになり、コウイチはコーナーでせめられる場面はヒヤッとしました。そのあと画面にひざ蹴りが入りまして相手の右目上は深く切れてしまったためドクターストップでT.K.O.勝ちとなりました。これで無敗をまもれてしかもK.O.もうひとつ増えました。おめでとう!コウイチ君、お前は日本一目指せ、これからも頑張るんだよ!  ニコラス

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