Last night Semmy Schilt won the K-1 final against Galube Feitosa, it was like a dream coming true, to see two of the strongest karate fighters in the world fighting for the K-1 championship. Semmy is an awesome fighter, his size and power is just overwhelming for all his opponents. I thought that the best two fights of the evening were Sefo Vs. Semmy and then Le Banner Vs. Aerts, it was a shame that both of them were not able to continue fighting after that fight. It just proves how hard the game is. I hope now that people will believe more in the karate spirit, that it has been proven that it truly is a strong art to follow. I was so exited all evening, although I was conducting a karate test in the gym at the same time the fights were going on, I hurried home and watched the final fight live on TV, and then I sat back and watched the rest that I had taped. Wow, is all I can say, I wonder what kind of fights we are going to see next year...I want to fight too.
やっ ぱり空手は強いです、昨日Semmy 選手はGlaubeに勝ってK-1チャンピョンになったことを考えると旨が熱くなります、夢の対決でした。空手家同士でK-1の決勝戦に上がって、最高に 面白い試合をしてくれました。昨日はいろんないい試合は見られましたが、Sefo Vs. Semmy は本当にすごかったです。何で倒れないんですか?武蔵は強かったのにダウンとられてから、飛び膝蹴り。。。痛いです。バンナ Vs. Aerts は本当の決勝ではないかと思いましたぐらいすごい試合でした。今回は空手の本当の強さははっきり証明されましたことによって、日本の空手魂は 世界に大きいな声がひびくんではないかと思う。すばらしいファイナルでした。来年はどんな一年間になるのかな~僕も戦いたいです。。。