昨 日朝7:00時にバイクに乗って河口湖に向かいました、ドラマの撮影が入っていましたので僕はいい機会だと思ってドライブしました。しかし思ったよりも寒 かった。120KMしかなかったのですぐいけるんじゃないかって言う感覚で走り出した。しかし、山に行くほど寒くなっていた、着いたときは体はしば らく動かなかったけど何とか頑張ってメークをして本番に気合を入れて頑張りました、それよりも朝で河口湖を見た瞬間最高に感動しました。鏡みたいに静かで きれいだった、上の山や森はきれいに水面に映っていました。何枚かとって見たけど。。。どうか分かりますか携帯電話のカメラはあまりよくないでしょう?

I got up at 0600hours yesterday and got on my bike at 0700hours, and headed out for Kawaguchi Lake, located 120km from Tokyo. We were scheduled for a filming on a TV drama that I am appearing on as an assasin called Ganef? I am not quite sure what country I am supposed to be from, last week I kidnapped a little 10 year old girl as part of the act and yesterday I Knocked Out, and captured with a rope. Anyway, it was so cold driving down there that I thought of turning around,the only thing keeping me on the road was that I had to be on set by 0900hours in able to do my scenes. I made it and spent all day there, apart from the long working hours and the intial tiredness, it was all worth it just for the sight of the lake when I drove in the morning. The surface was blank as a mirror and the surrounding mountains were reflecting off the it as perfect image. I was impressed! I took a few pictures, but my camera on my telephone is not too good...