これはちょっと前の話になるんですが、我々はある試合にTeam Spiritのメンバーである会場に行っていたら。ジムの応援に足を運んでくださった家族がいまして、それで子供はうちのジムでずーとオーペン当時から通っている可愛い兄弟も会場に見に来ていました。それで試合をしばらく見ていたらお父さんが急にたおれました、今までなかったように急にたおれてびっくりしました。お母さんは冷静に救急車を呼んでいました、僕は何もできなかったけど手を持ってて子供の顔を見ながらお父さんはすぐ元気になるよって!子供たちはよく何があったのか分からないから救急車が来るまでゲームをやったりして遊んでいました。会場に来ていたお医者さんが来てくれて、話をしてくれましたのでよけいに心配になりました。脳の内出血をしたかのせいがあるって、よくなれば普通の生活に戻れるんですけど最悪のケースでは体が麻痺したままでこれから生活しなきゃいけないです!!!それがですねこの間ジムに顔を出してくれました、お父さんは何と普通に歩いていました。本当に元気になった。自分は心より感動しました、お父さんよく頑張りました!お疲れ様でした、これから体を気をつけてください。
We were all out at a tournament a while back, and all the boys from Team Spirit where busy getting the young fighters ready for their fights. When the Farther of one of the family's that has been training in Spirit Gym since the opening, suddenly fell over and couldn't move the whole left side of his body!!! I didn't know what to do since I am not a Doctor, so I sent for the Doctor present at the tournament. She came over quickly and asserted the situation, at first we were not sure how serious it was, but she told us that judging from the body's reaction and considering the facts of not taking the anti high blood pressure medicine, that he might have suffered a burst blood vessel in the brain. It sounded scary and it is not something to be joking around about, worst case of senario one can die from the internal bleedings. But depending on how it occurred and how bad it is there is also a possibility of a full recover. Anyway, we got him sent out to the hospital straight away, and then I didn't see him for a while. I asked if I could go and pay a visit but his wife told me that he didn't wanted to be visited at this time. Another few weeks went by and then one day the whole family showed up, he was walking finely and looked quite healthy. I must say that I was truly happy to see him back on his feet again, it was a close call but now that he is doing better. I whish him all the best. Well done Mate.