Tuesday, September 12, 2006

2700 grams of pure life!

Today this morning the baby finally arrived, it was a long hard night for all of us but when it finally was over it was more than we could have hoped for. She came to the world around 11:00 o'clock today, and although we couldn't actually be there we were all hanging on waiting by the phone. I got called in this morning around 6:00 AM, and once I got to the hospital they told me that only immediate family were allowed inside...Feeling a bit sad about that I decided to drive home and spend the morning with my girls. So I made breakfast and had coffee with Keito, we watched a bit of TV and spoke about when the baby would come. After taking her to school I went back to bed and slept in until I got the message. Then we all drove out to the hospital and saw her, she was so small and cute. My girls were very exited about it all, and seeing a newborn baby for the first time since Angelina was born, was quite something. I almost miss having a small baby around the house...I said almost, if I had to go over it all once more, I don't know what I would do. But above all else, babies are so innocent and they have a whole life ahead of them. It is like a new beginning, a fresh start, life in it's purest essence. My friend、 well done!


今日の午前中に友人の小さな女の子が生まれました。何と2700グラムしかなかったです、生まれる前にお母さんのお腹をみてもうすぐ生まれるんだ よって考 えると不思議な感じです。さっき会いに行ってきました、本当に可愛いです。うちの子たちも一緒に行ってみてきました、何かうちの子たちもあんなに小さかっ たのかな~?片手で抱っこできる。。。今は一番したの子だってもうすぐ4歳になる、話せるようになってあっという間におきくなるから今の顔を良く覚えない と忘れる。新しい人生が始まる、子供も親も改めて再出発、さー頑張るんだよ!幸せに。。。


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