Finally the movie came out, and although I have been busy with training and being in Auissie-land I found the time to swing by the movie thearters yesterday and pick up a poster and pamplet. It brings back so many good memories, being on the set and working with all the guys there. Everyone were so passionate about the movie, I love movies, I love watching them and more than anything I love working on them. Acting is like the cream on the cake it's the best topping anyone could want. On a movie set everyone is working so hard to get the story right and everyone does their best, not because they are told to but because they truly want to. I don't know if there is any future for me in acting, but I would love to do more movies. Sorry for being so late in letting everyone know that the movie was out, but if you are quick then you can still catch it In Ikebukuro's Metropolitan Plaza until the 8th.
遅くなって申し訳ありません、もう映画館で上映中です!Winds of God、神風!僕は練習と試合でいろいろと忙しかったため、今になってきずきました。池袋メトロポリタンプラザの中の映画館でやっています、昨日はHISに用があって行ってみました。ポスターやパムフレットを手に入れて、胸が熱くなりました。いい思い出ばかりでした、今井さんをはじめみんなの情熱はたっぷり伝わる映画です。何と僕とWayne DosterさんはNew YorkとL.A.での撮影は忘れられないです。当時みんな家族感覚で一生懸命ストリーを伝わるため最高のチームになって、映画つくりに夢中でした。そういうチームワークは映画の現場ではいつもあるとはいえないけどやっぱり今井さんのよさでみんなをひっぱってくれたおかげだと思います。やっと完成が出来て、やっと映画館で見れてうれしいと思います。おめでとうございます!