Yes, I am in Auckland right now with Peter, we just got here today! It is my first time in New Zealand, so I am pretty exited about the whole thing. But at the end of the day it is just another fight show, we came over on the same airplane as Andrew and the actually spent some time catching up. They are both big boys, so seeing them together you can just imagine how the fight is going to be. Lot's of great energy, Peter is trained well for the fight and we just can't wait to get it on. I will keep you posted on what happens. Apart from that I watched this movie called "An inconvenient Truth" with Al Gore coming over here on the plane, and it moved me in a way I cannot explain. I mean the way it puts GLOBAL WARMING into perspective I am impressed that we can't just all get together and make this happen. I am a changed man since I saw it, I want to make this a better place and it gives you the message that, we all matter. It is all the small efforts that are going to make the bigger change, and that we need to start now before it is too late. I mean the issue has almost been ridiculed in the media, but the facts are not to be fooled around with. And the speak lound and clear about the extreme changes that our environment has been undergoing in just the last 50 years!!! Everyone who might be interested in any more of this watch the movie and join the cause. please help me, help yourself, and most important of all help your children! Their future depends upon us to start acting now, even the small things will make and have an impact on how we are going to spend our next 50 years...Global Warming is a real issue that needs to be addressed, and needs to be addressed right now.