Monday, December 31, 2007

And down he went! モンスター倒しましたよ!

What a feeling, everything felt right and I just dug in there! he was strong and he came at me with everything he had, but it wasn't enough. The Blue eyed Samurai pulled out a few tricks of the hat and then down he went! Thank you all for never giving up hope and thanks to all the people close to me for all the support! it was a great experience. Now i am just gonna take few days off and relax...

モンスターハンターになってよかったです!皆の応援のおかげでした、本当によかったです。Ayato Chieさんも会場に来てくれましたし、入場の前から皆に気合を入れてもらって絶対に勝ちたかったです。新田さんもセコンド、コウイチくん、Peter、丹羽さん、ゆうま、皆ありがとう!Spark-oneありがとう、バイク王、Central Marketさん皆最高。今年もよろしくお願いします!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Monster Hunter !

Tomorrow I will change into the Monster Hunter and do everything in powers to destroy the dude in front of me. It is one of those fights where I need to dig deep and just pull it off. I know I can do it, now it is just time to do in front of everybody. Feeling great right now, we are having the press conference in an hour or so and after a nice long bath yesterday and a long nights sleep. I just can't wait to get the show on the road. So I guess that I will see you all after...


Thursday, December 27, 2007

AYATO CHIE with Nicholas Pettas in Dynamite !

Dynamiteでの試合は決定しましたが相手のことは29日に発表されます!応援をよろしくお願いします。それと記念にAYATO CHIEさんは何とビッグサプライズで自分の入場曲を生で歌ってくれます!本当です、本人は本当に来てくれるんです。自分はこんないい応援は初めてです、試合は頑張って勝って、今回僕のためにに動いてくれた人たちが喜んでくれるように。もっと早く発表はしたかったですけどいろいろがありまして。。。とりあえずここでどこよりも早く、皆さんに伝えたかったです。よろしくお願いします!

That's right, I am fighting on the Dynamite card this coming Monday evening! I am sorry that I could not tell you before, and also sorry that I can't tell you who it will be against. But the official press release will be held on Saturday! And then as a special guest Mrs. Ayato Chie will come and perform my entry song live in the Osaka Dome! It is awesome, I have never had such a powerful support team. I really want to win this fight, so I can celebrate with all the people that have been involved this time. I am honored and humbled by the great support for this fight.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

X-mas Party at Lawry's Primerib

Yes, we all got together for one great X-mas party at Lawry's Primerib. I am only going to show the size of the steaks that we were eating! Because they were out of control...Bob had us try the size that is not on the menu, it is called a BEEF BOWL. I couldn't believe my eyes when they cut those huge slabs of rib out. But we finished it all in good Viking style. I think this kind of gorging is good for the mind of a fighter, it teaches you never to give up!!!!

今年のクリスマスパーティーはローリーズ プライム リブでやりました、本当に美味しいですけどボブ・サップさんはメニュー外のサイズをみんなに注文しました。それは何と1kgのBEEF BOWL ビーフ ボールって言う訳分からないサイズでした!僕はバイキングのプライドを持って全部食べましたけど、本当に辛かったです。。。

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry X-mas!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

Live Life to it's fullest, Thank you Will Riva

George Carlin's Views on Aging Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. 'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. 'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life . you become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!! But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're Just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed? You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone. But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would! So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60 . You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday! You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.' Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!' May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!! HOW TO STAY YOUNG 1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.' 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive. 7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever Your home is your refuge . 8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is. 10. Tell the people you love that you love them , at every opportunity. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER : Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away. And if you don't send this to at least 8 people - who cares? But do share this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each day!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Deep in 新大久保

僕は新大久保にあるDEEPのジムではオープンするときから月に2回ぐらい指導しに行かせてもらっています。もちろん総合格闘技のジムでありますが、自分は普通にキックを教えています。もう少しで2年になります。最初は、どこのジムと一緒ですが、生徒はあまりいなかったですけどそれが半年たてば毎回来てくれるメンバーが少しつづ増えました。今は自分の道場ではないですけど教えるのは楽しいです、みんなの顔を覚えているし、この人はこれが苦手とかこの人はこれが好きでそれぞれいろいろがあります。でも、今年はみんな真面目に練習をしていました、そして試合に出るようになった生徒もいました。僕は月に2回しか行ってない中で、いろんなアドバイスをあだえることが出来たと思います。それとお互いに信用関係が生まれたと思います。僕は道場とジムのことはここではあまり書かないようにしているんですが、この前Deepのメンバーが僕のT.S.G. ”Unbreakable Spirit"T-シャーツを練習のときに来ていましたを見て本当にうれしかったです。ありがとうございます!



Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bud's Hair !

You can see here that I needed the sunglasses to keep the mop down!

So after my last fight I was lifting weights with Mark Ginther and Peter Graham at the GOLD'S GYM, in Omotesando, when we started talking about how we all needed a hair cut. I had just finished my set when I overheard Peter saying, " I bet you can't grow your hair till the next fight!" So I said" Put your money where your mouth is!" And fair to our statements, we ended up betting 50U$! I promised I would not cut it until I got confirmation on my next fight, and Mark would be the go between. So I didn't cut it until yesterday! Of course this means that I have confirmation on my next fight, but I just can't tell you yet because it hasn't been made official yet. But that is not going to hold me back from cutting my hair! It was getting so long that when sparring I would get it in my eyes. I don't think it has been that long since...I was a kid ! Thank you Nishioka-san, you cut it real nice this time.

そして、髪の毛はやっと切れました!だいぶ前にピーターグラハムとマーク ギンザーさんたちとGOLD'S GYM で筋トレをしているときでハペニングがありました、ピーターは髪の話しをしていたら絶対に次の試合まで切らないで我慢できないだろう!と冗談を言ったら、待て!俺は出来る、お金をかけましょう。そしたら、その金額ではなくって男のプライドとしての金額にしないと意味がない。用は金額は高いほど我慢しやすいって言うことで、50U$って言う安い金額にしました。次の試合は何と決まったので俺は昨日Bud's Hairの西岡さんのところに行ってきれいに切ってもらいました!気持ちいぞ~どれぐらい伸びたかというと練習のときに目に入るぐらい伸びたよ!ここにいろんな写真をのせました、ビフォー&アフター。。。 イン 恵比寿!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Training in the winter time! 

So it really is getting cold these days, I was worried that we all might get sick so I invested in a huge industrial heater! And we finally got it in the gym, but this monster of a heater was so powerful that I nearly torched the floor.Man, that thing can heat ! I am glad to have the heater in there, but I just hope that nobody get's burnt! Today it was really cold but I had a real good session and my sparring went really well. I hope to hear something about my next fight soon. Today Bob Sapp's next fight on the Dynamite show was announced and he is set up to fight against Bob in a MMA fight! I am busy with my own training and then on top of that I gotta try and get him ready for his fight. It is a hard time but I am glad to be busy once again, I like to work and like getting the pressure of having to fit everything into my day.

さ~寒くなったよ、僕は昔寒い国に住んでいたけど日本のやしいかんきょうになれてきたので冬になると。。。寒くってしょうがないです。それで最近ジムに来てここはやっぱりヒーターは必要だねと思って、ネットで探しましてこんなでっかいのは手に入れました。喜んでジムに持っていこうと思ったら、まず車に入らないです!そこで友人の新田さんにお願いして、大きい車で家まで来てもらって、一緒に運びました。そして、やっと温かくなると思ったら、半端じゃないです!どれぐらい強烈かというと床を燃やしそうになった本当に怖かったですけど、使い方は今覚えてジムでよく活動してもらっています。それと話は変わるけど、今日ボブ・サップはダイナマイトの相手がBobby Ologun に決定しました。後ちょっとですけどもう毎日は体を一緒に動かしています、さ~ボブの本当の復活になるのか?ボブ、頑張れ!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

T.S.G. 忘年会!

この前の金曜日にT.S.G. ザ・スピリット・ジムの忘年会をやりました。もう早く5年目ですので皆さんと仲良くお酒を飲みました。久しぶりに普通に楽しかったです。今回は新人も何人かいましたので、これでみんながもっといい付き合いができそうです。今回はKoichiが全部決めてくれたのでみんなは心配していましたが、渋谷のアルカトラズで皆が逮捕されました!それで独房に入れられた、なかなか面白かったです。

Saturday, December 8, 2007

That was an awesome final ! 最高のワールドGPでした



That was really awesome, I mean I had to work all day so I didn't get to go out and see it. But I have the Fuji 721 on my satellite so I get the whole event live. After finishing off work I came home and sat down just as Semmy was about to fight Le Banner. Then after the whole thing was over I replayed the first few fights. It was really good to see such great fighters giving everything they have in order to get to the top, I just wish I had had a chance to get in there and try out my skills too. Each and every fight was a final in my opinion. The fight between Remy and Badr was in a different class, those two fighters are so skill full and their styles so similar that it really was just a question of who was a bit smarter on the day. It almost seemed like Remy knew that if he stuck to his plan that he would get it, and no matter how hard it got he never lost his cool. Awesome fight! between two of the best guys out there right now. Then Peter Aerts showed us all once again why he is called the living legend! If it had not been for his blow out on the knee, I think he would have taken it this year. Damn shame to see someone you have fought and known for many years have to stop a final on such an injury! I hope it is not too serious. And then Feitosa just showed the whole world that his kicks are the best, he can throw that left leg from anywhere and hit anything. I recon that is one of the best kicks I have ever seen! I know how fast it is 'cause I used to train with him and I have also had to fight him in a karate fight back in '97. But last night he truly showed us all why he is a true champion. Well done Mate, I am sure you will keep up the good work, look out for him next year!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Guess who I am training?


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

Merry X-mas!

We have entered December and X-mas is on the way! I was lucky to get my present early! I made the front cover on a danish martial arts magazine called "Fighter" . Awesome interview and great work with the pictures. Loved the whole thing. Thank you Tue and Simen. From the Blue Eyed Samurai !

Thursday, November 29, 2007

風邪をひいてしまった! Flu ? or just a cold



lately I have been battling with the cold weather here, I mean I know that I grew up in Denmark. So I should be able to cope with it...but it still gets me every time. There has been a serious cold/flu going around lately and most of the kids in my girls classes have come down with it. But although we all had a bit of a runny nose and were couching a lot, I don't think that anyone in my family actually had the flu? But then I got worse and worse, I mean with all the training we do it is hard to keep it up. And vitamins are only as good as they are, it really never is enough to just take your vitamins and then think you are OK. I came down hard with it over the weekend and all the driving down to Nagoya didn't help. So I tried to take some over the counter cold drugs, and nothing! It anything at all happened then I just got worse. So when I woke up Wednesday morning I just knew that this was it. I went to hospital and spoke to my doctor. He understood that I needed to get better as fast as possible, so he prescribed some strong stuff for me. And true to his word to days after I started the medicine, I feel great. I am just taking this last day off and then I am back in the grinder again tomorrow. It is amazing how strong medicine is, I used to not want to take medicine, because I wanted my own body to heal. But this time I am truly amazed! I mean 2 days ago, that is just 48 hours ago, I was throwing up because the phlegm in my throat was clogging my air and I couldn't breathe! Today I feel like going for a run, that is how clear my breathing is right now. Although it sounds like I am complaining about the cold, I actually had the best opportunity to finish the last book in the Harry Potter series! It was good, I mean I hated the first 3 books but by the time I had read them I was sucked in and hooked like everybody else.So now I really wanted to know what happens, and to not reveal anything I shall only say. At lot suddenly makes sense...Enjoy!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Maruyama Vs. Tsuboi in Heat 5

Team Spirit spent the weekend in Nagoya, I drove everyone down in my car Saturday morning and then Maruyama had to fight Tsuboi in a 3 rounds kickboxing rules match in the OCTAGON!
That is right, HEAT has the last 2 tournaments been held in an OCTAGON! It is quite a thing to see a kickboxing rules fight in such a ring! Maruyama has been with us for quite some time now and has had a few fights, this time he was going up against Tsuboi a veteran shootboxer. First round went according to plan, nothing but clean shots to the legs and damage was done. Second round a couple of kicks misplaced and the fight got stopped 2 times to let Tsuboi recover from the low blows. But then Maruyama placed a perfect lowkick and down he went! I was at the perfect angle to see it, but the ref. was on the other side? So he thought that it was another low blow...he was down for more than 20 sec. when it was finally called as a down, and although he got up and fought till the end of the fight. That lowkick was a K.O. ! we won the fight and that was more important than anything else. I don't have any pictures from the event yet, but if I get some I will post them. It was definitely a different kind of event to see it fought in the OCTAGON! Look forward to HEAT 6 next year in March or April!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

三宅島のバイクFESTIVAL with バイク王!





Friday, November 16, 2007

T-shirts now on sale! 今度販売を始めました!

A.E. Factoryのサイトで販売始めました!よろしくお願いします。

Now on sale !

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Soldier at the Factory


Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Factory

今日からスタートを切りました、Factoryのほうでは朝の練習が終わりまして。後今日から夜の練習が始まります、僕は新しい弟子と顔を合わせるのは楽しみです。Factoryの強い選手をたくさん育てたいです。この前の金曜日はジム開きがありました、たくさんな方が来てくれましたので本当にうれしかったです。これからもみんなといい関係が続ければいいと思っています、お互いに力をかりながら上へと登って行きたいです。つでにFactoryの初勝利がありました!何とRyo Pettasは金曜日のJ-Networkの60kgクラスのトーナメントでランク8の選手とリサーブマッチが行なわれました。うちのチームはみんな応援に行きました、それとRyo君の家族といつものメンバーは後楽園まで足をはんこんでくれました。何と久しぶりにJanノルキャ選手も来てくれました!そして、試合が始まる。お互いに考えながら手と足を出していくが3ラウンドはやっとRyoがペースをつかめたかな~と思ったら、30-29、29-30そして30-30でドローになった。エキストララウンドではRyoが上手い具合にペースはつかめたと思いながら、何と最後の10秒で右のストレートできれいにダウンをとりました!ムンクなしの判定勝利。このままこれからもずーっとやってもらいたいです。Team Dragonの細野選手は金曜日にベルトを腰に巻きましたけど、Ryo君はそのベルトをどうしても取らないときがすまないのでこれからは一段一段上へ行って、いつかはそのベルトに挑戦したいです。同じベルトのヘビー級もうちのKoichiは欲しがっているので、来年はFabiano選手とタイトルマッチしたいです。ま、何よりもロウニン生活はこれで終わりですので自分たちのジムがちゃんとできて本当にうれしいです。プライドをもってこれからはどこに行って試合をするは関係なく、Factoryの選手が出ていると相手たちはびびるぐらいの気持ちでこれからみんなは強くなっていきたいです。皆さん、の応援は必要ですので、よろしくお願いします!

So last Friday we had the opening party, and we are officially in business now. Training went well this morning, and I look forward to seeing the new students show up. I have a great feeling about the whole thing, the gym looks great and we have an awesome ring. The actual first fight to come out of the Factory was on Friday at the J-Network event, in Korakuen. Ryo Pettas was set up to fight against the ranked no.8 in a reserve match for the tournament, to decide the -60kg class J-Network champion. It was a tuff fight and although I thought that we had after the first 3 rounds, it went 30-29, 29-30 and then finally 30-30. So we got a extra round! I felt confident that things were going our way, and when Ryo dropped the guy in the last 10 sec. I knew that we had won it. So our first fight was a great victory!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

K-1 Turkey

Just got back from Turkey, and although we lost in the first round due to a big cut under the left eye, it was a really good trip. Koichi fought really well and everyone seemed to be cheering him on. In the 3rd. round the crowd were chanting his name! But in the extra round he got a knee to the side of his head and got cut badly. So although we lost the fight, I am sure that everyone there were pleased with his performance.

トルコから帰ってきました、ま~いろいろと大変だったけどいい勉強になったと思います。結果は一回戦ドクターストップでしたけど、一緒懸命頑張って何と3ラウンドでは会場内”Koichi~Koichi"コールが起きました!エキストララウンドでヒザが画面に軽くあだって4cmほど切れましたので、ドクターはストップをかけました。本人は”先生!まだやりたいです!”をいいましたが、やはり危険すぎたので僕も止めました。初めての海外試合だったので、いろいろと勉強してもらってこれからもっと強くなると思います。久しぶりにWill ”Bambinaccio" Riva選手にも会うことが出来ました。彼はいまイギリスに帰って地元で頑張ってます。仲がいいのでトルコで試合が決まったのを聞いて、すぐにチケットを買いました。本当は日本にもどって欲しいですけど、今仕事をやりながら将来のことを考えています。僕もあえてうれしかったです。よくネットではチャットをするけど、実際に会うのは楽しいです。



Sunday, October 28, 2007

A.E. Factory


Friday, October 26, 2007

Yanagi Kotaro

Some of you might remember a friend of mine that got hit by a car at the age of 17 and spent a couple of weeks in a coma! His name is Kotaro, and we worked on a movie together called "House of Smackdown" . He is now 21 and has come a very long way from the time after he woke up, his story is just incredible. We are still friends and recently he has been getting ready for a theatre play, so he is spending all his time rehearsing for that. Anyway, he spent a few days at my house and we have been having a good time. It was almost like having another kid!

この人分かりますか?柳幸太郎です、昔は映画”一軒家プロレス”を一緒に出まして。それからの付き合いです、弟か子供か友達か良く分からないけど。本当にいいやつです、最近は舞台の練習場は家の近くでやることになっていて、家に泊まっていたので子供たちは元気よく遊んでいました。しかし、UNOは弱いです。。。ここでは、リングネームを考えてくれと頼んできたので。青い目のサムライ Vs. 黒い目のサムライ!強そうですよ?49kgしかないです、自分は今105kg!半分以下です、それを聞いてすぐにプロテインシェ-キをつくってあげました。やっぱり男は50kgを切ることは良くないでしょう。。。舞台稽古頑張ってね!

Kick Returns by Athletic Enterprise!

昨日は代々木第二体育館でKick Returnはうちの会社がやりまして、試合はすごく面白かったです。自分が選ぶMVPは誰よりもかがやいていたのはあらしゴロ選手でした、Ryo Pettasはよくスパーリングではお世話になっていますのでワンロップ選手との試合はやっぱり熱くなりました。本当にいい試合でした、あらし選手は小型選手なのでその戦いを見て僕は感動しました、しかもあの日本キラーに文句なしの勝利を手に入れました!おめでとう、これからも頑張って。

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I was just thinking that this Blogging thing can get out of control quite easy. Since Koichi started his blog I have been checking it out, I have actually become a regular visitor on his blog! I spend that much time with him already as it is, and then I come home and check out what he has been doing! on his blog? I am not quite sure why? He is very exited about it, and says that he really enjoys it, I also enjoy the whole concept, but can't get my head around it. I am not quite sure what it is people want to hear about or read? I started my blog more to keep in contact with the fans and friends that I have out there, but that was a long time ago, when I had broken my leg and there was no guarantee that I would be fighting again.I wanted to make a place for the people that were interested to get together and communicate. It has later evolved into the Q&A that is on my BBS, and now I am not quite sure if I can call it a BLOG? The blogs that are out there now, have evolved into something very different from what I started. I am feeling a bit out of touch with the blogging world...I can see that such a personal kind of way of blogging is kind of addictive. I hope that he keeps it up, now that he has started it.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Spirit Gym! とK-1トルコ大会、Koichi Pettas

土曜日の稽古は本当に気持ちよかったです、大人のメンバーがあれだけ来ると気合は最高に気持ちいです。スピリットジムの空手は普通の空手とちょっと違うんですが、基本は基本ので一本一本に気合を入れてやります。それはGOLD'S GYM HARAJUKU店であの階で思い切り気合を入れると筋トレーニングしている連中には申し訳ないですが、本当に気持ちいいです。道場は小さいですけど、きもちがこもっているので来ている生徒はみんな熱いです。今日は自分も指導が入っていますので、18:30時に行ってきます。今日も熱い練習をしたいです。熱い練習って言うのは今日朝から続いています、Koichi選手は11月の2日にトルコK-1予選大会に出るので。ジムで二人だけでスパーリングとミット、コンビネーションをやりました。何だか、すごく新鮮な気持ちでいま一緒に朝から走ったりして、ジムワークも頑張って自分も戦う気持ちになっているので本当に楽しいです。10月の30日の出発して、そして3日は日本に帰ってきます。
This last Saturday I was teaching Karate in the Gold's Gym Harajuku,
and it was just a great feeling to do basic training with everybody again. I loved the Kiai in the class and everyone was really getting into the training. It might have been a bit of a nuisance to the people doing all the lifting on the same floor, but what do we care. It is our time in the gym there and we intend to take full advantage of it. The gym is really small and it doesn't take much to fill it out, but the size of the gym does not make the training any less worthy. So we are all getting together for the two sessions a week to just work out a good sweat and do some good old Karate training. With the nice matted floor we are able to work on a lot of different things like our rolling and more MMA based basics as well as our kata and techniques for fighting without hurting each other. For me it was a big change to come from a matted floor in Denmark 16 years ago to the hard wooden floor of Honbu back in the day. But then we had to change back to the matt's when I started Kickboxing, now I really don't care where I train. When was in Holland we trained outside a lot, and then it was cold so we had to wear clothes and shoes. It didn't matter either, it is just a question of getting used to it. Anyway, Koichi is set to fight in the Turkey tournament on the 2. of November, and I found this poster on the net. It looks to be a great fight card, I just hope that he will do well. His first opponent is KEMAYO from France, him we have seen in Japan last year fighting against Amada, he lost that fight on points, but he has also KO.'d Nobu Hayashi. So we are not taking any chances, to give everything and then a bit more is how we fight. Let's pray that it will be enough, because there is no doubt in my mind that, that is exactly what KEMAYO is going to do. We leave on the 30th. and head back here on the 3rd. if we don't get a flight change and then swing by Denmark. Anyway, I gotta go and get my Dogi ready for tonight's class.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


皆さん、Ayado Chieさんは知っていますか?僕は最近友達になりました、そしてご飯を一緒に食べるようになりました。Ayadoさんは今年何と50歳になりますと同時にデビューから10周年記念年です!この前10って言うTourを始めたんです、それは見に行きました。ここでAyadoさんの年のことを書くと軽く怒られるかも?でも本人はステージの上でこの”おばは~ん”って自分のことを言うぐらいだから、大丈夫かも?とにかく、元気です!会うたびにパワーをもらえるって感じ。前回香港大会でも自分はAyadoさんがうだっている曲を使いました、それは”Oh,Happy day"っていう曲でした。ちょっと静かな感じで自分を気持ちよくさせてくれます、この前はやっとリングにもどれてうれしかったのでその曲は本当にぴったりでした。思うように結果できなかったけど、嵐の前の静かで自分的に気持ちよかったです。今度もまたAyadoさんに相談して曲を決めてもらいたいです。このパムフレットにこんなサインを書いてくれました!Ayadoさんはこれから一年間ず~っとコンサートは入っていますので、今度会うのを楽しみにしています。
This is Ayado Chie-san, for those of you who don't know her let me just explain. She is the first and only ever Japanese Gospel/Blues singer to get a record in the top 5 of the music charts. She is a great entertainer and has her her special way of performing and singing that is equalled to no one in Japan. She spent a long time in America studying the Blues and through a long hard battle with breast cancer she ended up singing in Japan. Her life story is worthy of a lot more than I give her here, but no matter how many hurdles she came across she never stopped smiling. Her life force is tremendous, and her very small frame almost seems not to be able to keep all that energy inside. I have become friends with her this year, and recently she started her 10th anniversary concert tour. She has also just released her latest album entitled 50, because she is turning well, you guess right 50 this year. These scans are from the concert pamphlet that she signed for me after her opening concert. Last time I fought in Hong Kong, I came out to her version of "Oh, Happy day". And it was just the kind of happy song that put me in the right frame of mind to fight. I hope that she is not too busy to have dinner again sometime soon.

Thursday, October 4, 2007




Ryo Pettasのこの前の試合ですが、TRIBALATEでYozakura選手に判定勝ちをしました。お互いに熱いです、自分は1ラウンドが終わったときに思うとうりに戦ってくれなかったんで軽く怒りました!それから気合を入れなおして、2;3ラウンドは一緒懸命やって試合は判定勝ちまで持ち込んでくれました。自分的に満足です。これからも頑張ってください。



Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What a K-Max show!

I just got back from the K-Max finals, and I have to say that it was one of the best shows I have ever been to. Everyone was in top condition and they all wanted to win. It was like watching 7 finals and not a tournament. There were some real tuff fights and then there were some awesome K.O.'s, I almost wish that I had stayed at that weight back in the day so that I could have a chance at some of those guys in there...But it only took me 3 years from when I was 18 to 21 to gain 30 kg's that haven't come off since! I went from 72kg's to 102kg. That is about what I weigh today, so you can see it would be very hard for me to take my weight back down there. I honestly think it would be impossible, and even if I did make the weight I would not be able to do much. I guess that is enough of the fantasy dreaming, back to the fights. I am sure that someone will upload them on You-Tube, so just a wait a bit and then check it out. They have already aired the show in Japan, so you can see that they move very fast over here. Andy Souwer Vs. Masato in the final, it was just a tremendous fight. After having beaten Buakow in the first round his leg was smashed, but he still managed to take out the new kid Artur. And then in the final he was just technically out smarted, but that was only to be expected since everyone knew how badly he was hurt. I have not enjoyed a show this much since last time I fought myself! Well done everyone, I hope that there were no serious injuries to any of the fighters, because they all gave everything they had.




Friday, September 28, 2007

Can you believe the size of this thing?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Spirit Gym ! Renewal Open !

We have recently moved " The Spirit Gym" to Gold's Gym Harajuku. And one of my more loyal students had a friend of his make us sign to hang on the door. I really liked it, and have decided to use it during our class. I would like to say thank you Yastei-san.
Training schedule is Wednesday 19:00~21:00 Saturday 18:00~20:00, free trial lessons are always welcome. Ask at the GOLD'S GYM HARAJUKU for more information.

最近GOLD'S GYM HARAJUKU 店にThe Spirit Gymを移転させていただきまして、新しい練習スケジュールは水曜日19:00時~21:00時、土曜日18:00~20:00ですので、詳しい話はGOLD'S GYM HARAJUKU店まで問い合わせてください。近いうちにホームページは新しく変わりますのでよろしくお願いします。それと、この看板は生徒さんの友人は書いてくれました、僕敵にはかなりいいと思いまして、ジム内の看板として使わせてもらいます、ヤスティーさん、ありがとうございます。

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