Sunday, April 22, 2007

Titans in Korakuen

よく頑張ったな~と思いました、1ラウンドは上手く戦えたと思いました。2ラウンドは天田選手のロー!!!にきかされた。そこからは我慢対決に見えました、しかし天田選手の方はやはり試合の運び方上手でした。お互いにいい経験は出来たんじゃないか、明日Willは帰るし。自分はハワイに行くし、また試合!今度はピーター グラハムVS. ジェリル べネシャンK-1ハワイ大会のリサーブマッチ。自分は戦わないので海に行ってイルカと泳ぎたいだけです。:)


Well, it was a tuff fight! Will did really good in the 1st. round, and hurt Amada real good with the lowkicks. But in Amada's last fight he had gotten dropped with lowkicks and been training a lot of cutting the lowkicks. So he was a lot better at blocking them this time around, and then he did what Will didn't expect. He started to kick him back!!! Yep Amada really went for Will's back leg with hard low kicks, after that it was mostly like a Rocky movie except it was with low kicks. Amada turned out to be that bit more experienced, and walked away the winner. That one over we are already getting ready for the next one, tomorrow I leave for Hawaii and then it is Peter Graham Vs. Jerrel Venetian in the reserve match for the K-1 Hawaii tournament. Since I am not fighting I just intend to go to the Ocean and have a swim with the dolphins...


Friday, April 20, 2007

Bambinaccio は帰ってきた!

久しぶりに会うとやはりうれしいです、僕は4年近く面倒を見たので本当の弟みたいなもんです。Will Rivaとたくさん練習をしたし、いろんなことは学んだなー。お互いにひっぱたり、押したりしていたことを思い出すと本当に懐かしいです。合宿は一緒に行ったりしていたし、ジムの中でもよくみんなと遊んでくれました。指導も上手いし、この前の12月で一段帰ったんですけど兄弟ですからどんなに離れても心は近いです。育ってて立派な選手になって国に帰ってTEAM SPIRITの名を上げてもらいたいです。今回はTITANSに出るために短期間で来日、それと何と相手は元K-1Japan王者天田選手との試合です。練習はたくさんしてきたので頑張って成長したRivaはみたいです。この前LeBanner をたおしたさわやしき君と前に試合したときは何とK.O.勝ちをしている!今回も日本で名前をうるチャンスの試合ですので、すごい頑張ると思います。後楽園4月22日Titansのチケットはほとんど売り切りですけど、良かったら当日券を買って見に来て下さい。


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mr. Yoshiyuki ! of Yoshiyuki

I sort of got side tracked the other day with my weird bbs entry, but here I am back on track. I thought that I would introduce you to Mr. Yoshiyuki Ogata. He is the brains behind this very innovative brand, personally he has been doing Karate for as long as he can remember. And loving the strong heart that it gives you, he feels that it is part if his heritage to continue his study in the way of Budo. From the first time I met him I felt attracted to his strong pride in creating a brand that is based on such a firm foundation. The designs derive from the feeling of wearing an actual Dogi, and are direct descendants of the Mon-tsuki Hakama that were worn by Samurai. I love the way he takes pride in being a Japanese brand, and uses his deep understanding for Karate to engage in designs that create patterns not seen elsewhere. He is in the moment of designing my fight shorts and other items that I can wear. So I am very exited about the outcome. If you happen to be in Japan and want to check out his store then swing by in Harajuku.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

1 Round K.O. WIN !



Well done Maruyama! Dropped the guy 3 times in the first round, to get a K.O. win.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

MARS in DIFFER today

This is Maruyama, he has been training hard for a long time and today some of all that training might just pay off. He is going to fight in the MARS event in Differ today, and I am just about to get in my car and drive out there and hook up with the boys. I hope that he does well! It was a bit of a sudden call in but even with the short notice he is ready.
Oh, about the weird answer that I wrote last night on the BBS, what can I say? Don't drink and drive. It just doesn't get you anything good in life. Sorry about that one, I guess that we are all human and when drunk we end up doing things we are not quite in control of. I was way out of line and admit that. I thought about deleting it, but that would not really solve the problem. Anthony you deserve better than that, I apologize for my stupidity! Pat, you are always welcome here and I am honored by your continued support and interest. And to all whom have ever cruised in on this site, thank you for your support and interest. You have all made me who I am, and I continue to try harder to live up to your expectations. I hope you can accept me for who I am with or without the faults that I sometimes make. This is who I am, and I can't change that for better or for worse. But I am not afraid to admit it when I made a mistake, and a mistake it was.

Friday, April 13, 2007



Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Elmo the " Bambinaccio"

Is coming back to Japan to fight this month, he went back home at the end of last year but we are all like family. So when the opportunity came along to get him a fight in Japan, we pounced on it and so he is making his way back here. Although it is just for a short trip I am sure it will be good for all of us to get together. I was just going through a few of our old pictures and he just seemed to be in a whole bunch of shots. And for some reason so does Peter Graham...It makes me wonder what those two guys are up...? We don't train in that gym anymore, but seeing those shots brings back a lot of memories. Good luck at the "TITANS" on April 22nd. in Korakuen.
"Bambinaccio" は久しぶりの日本で試合が決まりました、Riva君は昨年の12月に国に帰ってしまった。そして、今回は"TITANS"でしあいお話はをいただきましたときに是非Riva君を出したいとのことでした。Teamのメンバーはみんな久しぶりに会うのを楽しみにしている、暑い応援は出来ると思います。皆さんも時間が合えば4月22日19:00~後楽園に来て下さい。上の写真はたまたまパソコンにあったもんでアップしました。そのジムではもう練習していないですけど懐かしく感じました。。。試合頑張ってね!

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