Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally geting out of here

This is going to be last entry I will be writing from my hospital, I am getting out of here in a couple of hours. Yesterday they took out the stitches, and I am officially a human cyborg. I feel like one, walking is still painful but, I am able to move around the hospital much more freely than just a few days before. Last time I spoke to my Doctor he told me that no matter how painful I should start to walk without the cane, and since then I have not used it. But I have been wanting it for every step I am taking, because although I can walk without it. It feel so much more stable with it and I feel that I have a lot more control. But it is the loss of control that I need to regain in the left leg that has been operated on. Staying here in the hospital is like being in a very protected environment, and I am able to calculate everything. I know how far it is to the rehab center or toilet, and walking is done in short bursts. The real challenge will come when I get out of here and don't know how far I got to go in a any given situation. Once you are hurt you realize how much you actually walk during a day you might think you are not walking much. But this is all part of the process that I have been through before so I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and all I can really do is just push on forward and work towards the full recovery. I see myself running in my mind, and that is a goal not too far away, so that is going to be the first of many goals on the way! Wow, this entry got real long, I hope you didn't get bored reading it...:)

今日は病院からの最後の日記エントリーです、この後は最後のリハビリに行った後に部屋をきれいにしてから帰る!やっと自分のベッドで寝れる。。。今回は自分の枕は持ってきたけど、まくらはベッドと違う。まくらはただのおまけでした、やっぱり家にあるテンピュールマットレスは恋しいです。だいぶ歩けるようになっているけど、病院内ではトイレまでの距離やリハビリセンターまでの道は頭の中で分かっていて、頑張って歩くんですが。本当のリハビリは家に帰ってから始まる、社会人として復活すると以外に歩いていないな~と思っている日はかなり歩きます。そこでは本当の頑張りが始まるけど、自分はリハビリ初めてじゃないから大体分かっています。しかも、分かったいるからこぞ、トンネルの向こうに気持ち良く走っているニコラスが待っているので頑張りたいです。今日はなぜかたくさん書きました、つまらなかったら。。。ごめんね! :)

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