Yesterday I actually had friends coming in all day, it was great I am in hospital and I was busy meeting friends! The best of them were Spitaels Koen and Bart Kuppens from Belgium. They are here to fight in some Karate tournament in Fukuoka, and still made time to come and see me. It was amazing, then Sherif and Sawano-san showed up on their bikes and we all got exited about it!
This is Sherif on my Monster bike on the weekend in Sendai, it rained and the race got cancelled, but that was not holding him back from doing some Burn outs!
S.P.Works !
昨日朝から晩まで友達たくさん来ました、何だかリハビリと友達で何と忙しかったです!ベルギーから友達も来ました、一度病院を間違えてきたので、僕の部屋につくまで4時間かかったらしいです!本当にお疲れさまでした。それから S.P.Worksのシェリフさんと沢野さんがバイクで来てくれて、本当に盛り上がりました。外に行ってバイクの話で熱くなっていたよ。。。