I has been less than 48 hours from the operation and I am feeling really tired and sore. I was made to walk yesterday, but seriously didn't feel like it. I think they are afraid of atrophy, so they have to move it as soon as possible. I am not going to lie about it, because it hurts like hell and it leaves you with a fever. I ended up sleeping from around 8:30 last night till this morning at 7:00 and then I have been going back and forth to the toilet all morning, in between just sleeping again. It has taken a lot more energy out of me than I had expected, but the more I think about what they actually did, then I guess that is to be expected. If I can just get through the next few days I should be feeling a whole better and then also be more mobile. right now I spend most of the time in my bed either sitting up or lying down, and they both hurt on my lower back...