Yesterday it was my second daughter's final day in the kinder garden. In Japan it is a big thing to graduate from kinder garden, and we held a party with all the parents and teachers. I guess it is a big thing for the kids, because most of them have been together for the last 3 years, but now that they are starting school the group is being split up in 9 different places. But some of the other kids are also going to join the same class as my daughter. I don't think I can remember any of the kids I went to kinder garden with, because we moved around a bit when I was a kid. Anyway, they all grow up so fast and before you know it we will all be old and gray, hopefully sitting on a porch somewhere looking at the setting sun with a nice cold beer in my hand. "Hey! Grandpa? can you come help me with my bicycle...the chain fell off" I might be getting ahead of myself here, but I guess it is all right to have an idea of where you want to end up.