This is the Royal Church in Roskilde, it is where all the Kings and Queens are burried when dead. It is located about 30km out of Copenhagen, and the surrounding city is now a lot bigger than before, but it still keeps it´s special atmoshere. The church is located at the top of a hill that looks out over the bay in the area, and this bay was once a well travelled bay for the vikings. They would set off on their crusade against the Irish and British here. Even today there are wrecks of Pirate ships that have been sunk out in the bay. There is one place that have excavated the remains and pieced them together to create exactly the ships they sailed back in the day. Truth has it that although they say Columbus discovered the america´s, Vikings often ventured out along the edge of the glaziers and made their way all the way over to what we today know as Canada and America! Hence we once ruled the world...I uess in some sort of way at least. More trivia for you, while the romas had built great cities with flowing water systems and toilets in the houses that were cleansed through constructed waterways, the Vikings in the north were still getting high on magic mushrooms and going on raping and killing forages across the scandinavias!