Fight Arena is one of the local promotions, and last night it was on. I went there with my brother Tony because one of his students was going to fight. He was just 16 and it was going to be his first fight with the full rules. He won the fight but the swedish fighter was very determined, and I thought it was a very tight fight. Then I got to hook up with the promoter and you never know? maybe one day he would like to use Ryo or Koichi ? Then we decided to go out and hit the town, but I couldn`t locate any of my friend and my brothers girlfriend suddenly got sick. So he ended up having to go home, and that meant that I too called it the night. So I made my way to bed by 22:00 hours and fell asleep with an old comic book in my hands. But waking up this morning was nice, jumped into the shower and then straight down to the local bakery. it was still 7:00 am but they were still open.Man it is so sweet,and plentyful but I know I wont be eating this kind of food for a while again. So I have decided to get my fill of it while I can, today I am hooking up with one of my best friends Arnaldo. I haven´t seen him in years, and now he has a 4 year old son! We are all growing so fast. Anyway, I was thinking of going and checking out some shopping here on a Sunday, but that is just not possible! It is actually against the law in Denmark to open your shops on Sundays!!! and on Saturdays they have what you call halfdays.

So everything closes at around 14:00, for us that live in Japan that is just something we can´t imagine...I mean when do people actually get their shopping done? I can´t figure it out, but it still seems to work very well over here. I am truly impressed with the danish way of living, and since it has been so long for me to be back, there are so many things about this place that I have forgotten. It is nice to come and get everything refreshed.>