金曜日のスタートから日曜日の深夜まで。。。かなり忙しい週末でした!金曜日は写真の道理ジムの近くの児童館でShoji Akiraさんと格闘技のセミナーをやりました、近所の若い学生たちと強さって何だ?というテーマで人どうり格闘技を教えました。学生たちは元気いっぱいで運動能力ばつぐ!すぐに2時間のセミナーは終わってしまった、物足りないのもたくさんいました。まーその子達はジムに来てもらいたいです、一緒に強くなった行こうなー!それから、夜はお世話になっている前田先生のボーリング大会。僕は珍しく100オーバーのクラブに入りました。。。106点をとって何と次回の決勝戦に残りました!土曜日の朝に車で今度福島の南湖に行きました、南湖ランニングクラブで子供たちと格闘技のセミナーを開きました。それはまで本当に楽しかったです、明日はそれの写真をアップします。その夜に観劇会が終わって東京にもどって、深夜2時に回りましたが無事に家に帰れた。そして、日曜日の7時起きで名古屋に今度行くことになっていて。丸山君はHEAT6の-70キロトーナメントにエントリー。相手はあの丈太郎選手だったので今まで戦った中で一番強い相手でしたが、自分のローキックをきれいにヒットして。これはとったと思ったら何か本当のスリップしてしまって最後の10秒でダウンとられて。。。判定負けでした。お互いにすねが切れてしまったけど最後まで試合は続けました。本当に成長した丸山君を見て嬉しくなりました。そして、志村館長に挨拶してみんなで車に乗って東京に帰りました。家に着いたのは深夜1時半、もうしばらく車になりたくないです!
It all started on Friday, I had a seminar with Akira Shoji,at the local youth club. The kids are so full of energi that they don't know how to control them, so we were asked to come and do a seminar about what it is to be really strong. We had 2 hours witht the kids and although we had them do everything from stand up fighting to wrestling on the ground. They still wanted to learn more when we where finished, I hope some of them end up in our gym! Then I went bowling with Maeda-Sensei, and her gang! This is a thing she arranges once every 2 or 3 months and last Friday I was able to score more than 100 so I joined the over 100 club and got qualified for the final next month! Then we had to get up early Saturday morning and drive up to Fukushima, 5 or 6 hours on the road...Nango Running Club had invited me to come and do a seminar, to work with the kids. I had some great fun runninng with all the kids and learning new drills for how to run faster. Then we joined in the after party and although I would have liked to stay, we needed to drive back to Tokyo. Arriving at past 2 in the morning after about 10 or 11 hours of driving, I was getting pretty tired. But that was not going to hold me back from getting up at 7am. and then driving down to Nagoya, another 5.5 hour drive. Maruyama was set to fight at HEAT6 against the champion Jotaro! He took the fight to him and totally dominated him until the last 10 sec. when he got a slip kind of punch! No Damage at all, it really was a slip! But they counted on him and we felt a bit of the warmth of fighting the local champion, so he ended up loosing on the decision! But it was so cool to see him being able to stick it to the champ like that. I really want to see him in action again soon.