Saturday, August 30, 2008

I would never do it twice...

But last night I took off to go and teach Karate on my bike. The weather was fine, but by the time I had finished teaching a steady think sheet of rain was coming down from the dark sky. I had agreed on meeting Ryo and Koichi after the class, and we made our way down to a local Ramen shop called Ko-men. I think we were in there for about an hour talking about life and other important things Men talk about while eating Ramen! And then we got outside in the pouring rain, it was coming down hard now. But I had to get my bike home, so there was really no other options for me but to get up on my steel horse and take off in the rain. I live about 5min. from the Harajuku GOLD'S GYM where I run my Karate class. But because of the rain it took about 15min. and when I walked in through the door to my house, I was soaked to the bone. Now a little rain has never hurt anyone, but this is not even the rain season! Talking about all this rain, that hurricane Oscar or whatever they are calling it is going to hit the coast of Louisiana by tomorrow, and that is not going to be pretty, 9 meter waves are rolling in and building up speed. I understand why they are all getting out of the city, that is some scary stuff. probably twice or three times as big as what hit Thailand last time.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Normally I would not...

Normally I would not want to write about something as silly as the weather, but last night I was sitting out side enjoying a nice BBQ. When the sky started to light up as if we were at the local fireworks festival! It was crazy, lightnings where hitting the sky, one after the other with no end. I thought it might be time to pack up the BBQ, and just in time because when that storm hit. I was glad to be inside, it was awesome. The sky was in a wreck and you could not see through the blanket of rain, I tried going outside but it was just too much. My whole house shook with the effects of the thunder hitting right over our heads. My kids were scared, but I was in awe of how strong nature is. It seems sometimes that nature just gets out of its normal boundaries once in a while to let you, that you and all your petty little troubles are really nothing more than petty little worries. For some very crazy reason I love running outside in the rain, it just makes me feel alive. It is like I am able to absorb the powers of nature through the rain, but last night even for me it was too much.


Turning Point

This morning we did our second turning point test, and although we only had 2 fighters doing the test. My team members all showed up and showed great spirit. It was a very hard test, and just looking at them, I was glad that I am not at their level. It has been hard enough for me along the way, but they all really did their best today. I was very proud of them all and feel very confident that they will all become very strong one day. Then after the test I was lucky enough to finally meet a man I have been waiting to meet for quite some time now. I don't think I can tell you about this person just yet, but he might hold some of the power to where my future will go. I was very exited about it and my friend who introduced him to me, was even more exited about the meeting, so we spent another hour after he had gone talking about life. I decided to go home and just chill in front of my table outside and enjoy a great BBQ. Since I have wireless LAN in my house I can connect anywhere. Sitting here grilling the various meats listening to both my music in the computer and the Semi? big bugs making noisy sounds to attract females, I am writing this entry. How real does it get? I hope you all have a great weekend, and if my Mom, reads this then let me just say that I miss her every time I have BBQ's here. Last time when she was here in Japan, we all had some great times in the back of my house, sitting here talking until our neighbors told us to pack it up!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Looking at new brands!

I have been checking out the line by Ed Hardy, lately their stuff seems to pop up everywhere. My wife really likes it and I guess I sort of like it too, but they are more of a rival in my eyes. As you might not know about Samurai Hearts, we are going to move into the whole line of fashion. Next step is probably sunglasses, then watches and fashion, so when I had a good look at the things they were selling in Hawaii I got hungry. I want to be able to do what they do, and now that I got some time to think about it I am going to try and something about it.

多分皆さんはこのブランドを知っていますが、僕はこのブランドはライバルにしか見えないです。なぜかというと、Samurai Heartsはフルラインを目指している。サングラス、時計や洋服までやりたいです、それでハワイに行ったときにお店見に行きました。物はすばらしいですが、僕もいつかはそういう店を持ちたいです。今は少し暇なのでいろいろと普段やれないことをやっていますが、ブランドに対しての思いを熱くなっています。セントラルマーケットの社長のBlogにはこんなことも書いていました:

今、『 サムライハーツ 』 にいろんないい話が来始め数え切れないくらいの大きすぎる話がたくさん。ブランド戦略なんで今は絶対に焦らずに、じっくりゆっくり一つ一つをしっかりと形にして、いいブランドにして行きたいです。とりあえずはハワイに出店する為??に女性向けのデザインとユニセックスのアクセサリーデザインってとこでサングラス、アパレルファッション、時計、etc,,,それからやっぱり『 世界的サムライハーツな有名な人 』 にどんどん勝手に 『 サムライ魂 』 を表彰して渡していきたい(笑)もちろん他国の人でも、女性でも。


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goodmorning !

My leg is getting better and my mind is feeling ready to start up again, I can't sleep and wake up early. I can tell that it is time to start moving again, I like having a routine. It gets me into a rhythm that I can deal with mentally, but since it is still the holidays for the kids. I don't need to get up early in the morning, I haven't started any real training yet. So there is no reason for me to get up early, but my body wants to get up and I seem to just wake up early all by myself. My weight since the fight has been going a bit up and down, but basically that is because I have been eating whatever was in front of me. I have not been concerned with what I ate, but now I am tired of just eating to satisfy myself. I need to eat properly again, not just because it is the right thing to do. But because it is what makes me feel better, and the first step to rehab is about being in contact with both your mind and body. And eating right gets me in the right mind frame. Apart from that I found out that "Samurai Hearts" has got an English page too. So if you want to either buy or just check it out then go on and click on the link.

朝は今早く起きる竜理由ないのに自然と目が覚めるんです。この何年も毎日はほとんど同じようなリズムで生活をしてきたので朝起きたらまずはランニング~、そして練習!でも、今は怪我でそんな出来ないのに体は早くそのリズムに戻ろうとしている。試合から体重はあがったり下がったりしていたのですが、それは単純に目の前にあったものを食べていただけ。でもそのリズムも僕は嫌いです、ちゃんと食べて運動している自分は好きです。リハビリはこの前からゆっくりと始めたけど、体はもっとやりたいって感じがするけど。昔はそれで何回も失敗したことがあるので、今はがまんして本当に治すことしか頭ないです。治ったあとはいくらでも出来るから。そして、Samurai Heartsの英語ページも出来たみたいです、是非見てください。

Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Airport !

I found myself in another airport, I keep getting in and out of airports. I picked up some friends the other day, and then I sort of forgot about time. I guess that is why I haven't written in my blog for a couple of days. But I am back in the gym today and feeling a lot better, refreshed and ready to take on the world again. I need to work on my leg very slowly, so there is no hard training going on for quite some time yet. I spent a lot of time in the pool over the weekend and it has taken the internal bleeding away. I was also lucky enough to go to a nice Onsen, hot springs. And that was really good, I love the feeling my body gets after having spent a couple of hours switching back and forth from the hot and cold baths, to sauna and then back into the cold water again.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Work and meeting people

Yesterday I was meeting with some old friends, and it was a good thing. I had not seen them all in such a long time, and now that we are all grown up a bit. Our conversations tend to focus more on work related things, or how big our kids have become. I enjoyed some good food and wine, this done in good company beats everything else. I feel very fortunate to have so many friends in so many different places, I can almost travel all over the world and meet someone I know. Last time in Hawaii, a very good friend of mine came to help me out at the fights and just to hang out a bit after. The timing was perfect, because both Koichi and I got injured, so if we needed anything he was there for us. He had flown in from San Francisco.

昨日は昔からの友人たちと食事をしながらいろんな話をしました。最高の仲間と食事と楽しい時間を過ごせるのは何よりも幸せです。本当に久しぶりに会ったら、やっぱりお互いに少し年をとった気もします。我々の話は仕事や子供の成長を中心になりました。僕は世界中に友がいるので本当に幸せ感じる、この前のハワイにもSan Franciscoから20年前から知っている友達は試合を見に、手伝いにきてくれたのも実際に最高に嬉しかったです。試合後Koichiも自分もぜんぜん駄目だったので、友人に本当にお世話になりました。

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kids are back home !

I went out to Narita airport this morning to pick up m kids and wife, they had stayed on in Hawaii with Koichi but all came home today. The house has been so quit being here all alone, but now everything is back to normal. The first thing we did after getting i to Tokyo was to go and have some Ramen! I don't know why but we seem to go and have Ramen every time we come back to Japan. When we came back from Denmark, it was straight out to Naka Meguro and then into our favorite Ramen shop, Pai-men. It is a good pork broth and thick noodles, with lots of toppings on. And so was it when we came back from Guam, and true to the tradition we also went to Paimen today!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Miyake 島でのライヂング~

This is the official poster for the bike event in Miyake Island. I went last year and we are going again this year, Bike-O, Bike-King is bringing me over to help out at the event, and I am looking forward to riding and hanging out with all the other riders. It is a nice little event, and I hope we will have nice weather. Last year on the way home on the ferry I was hanging over the railing, because it was so windy that the ship was all over the place. I don't like sailing, I get sick so easy and last year brings back a lot of bad feelings. I ended up lying down on a bunk and just passed out. But we are going there for the riding, so it should be OK this year.

今年も行きますよ!もうポスターは出来ています、よかったら僕とバイク王と一緒に三宅島に行かないですか?今年は昨年と違って、今は飛行機でいけるらしいです。昨年は船で行って帰ってきたんですが、帰りの便は風が強くって大変なことになっていました!思い出すだけで気持ち悪くなります。。。今年は飛行機でいけたら行きたいです。でも、船の話よりも島の周りをライヂング~するのは楽しみです、出来ればそこで少しレースの勉強をしたいです。そのよく週は仙台で実際に参加する予定をしているので出来るだけ勉強しないとついていけない。イベントの詳しい情報は WERIDEをGoogleしてみてください。

Monday, August 18, 2008

Torn inner thigh muscle、MRI result

The result from the MRI was better than I had hoped for! It is a torn muscle, which I knew, but although it is quite bad I will not need surgery to fix it. I should be able to start working it out slowly in about 3 weeks, from there it will take some time to get it back into realy working shape. But the god news here is that it is not a Hernia and I wont need surgery. Even I could tell from the look on the MRI, that there was somthing wrong. So I need to just keep it safe for the next 3 weeks, and then go in for a another check up.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Drag Racer Pettas バイク王

I actually came back to Japan from Hawaii a couple of days before my family and kids, because I had to go and do a guest appearance at the drag race in Motegi yesterday. Although my leg still hurts and I couldn't walk around too much, it was a real good thing to actually go out and meet the fans again. But apart from the fact that it was a guest appearance, there was one more reason for me to go there. I was there to announce that I will be racing with everyone else next year! Yes, King of Bikes the Japanese bike company called Bike-Ou, has asked me to join up with them and form a team to drag race. At first I was a bit scared about the whole idea, but now that I actually got used to it I am really exited about it all. There are many catagories of drag racing, and I will be working my way up to the top class. Hopefully over the span of 3 to many 5 years, they will back me and my team fully. The number one racer in Japan, Nakamura-san will be coaching me and also taking care of my bike or should I say bikes. Because I will be going through a lot f differnet bikes by the time I get to the topclass. So there you have it, once I get over this injury of mine I am going to start my training as a sports drag racer!
昨日は茂木Twin ringsレース場に行きました。ドラッグレースに顔を出しました。何と友人の中村選手と久しぶりに会えて嬉しかったです。中村選手は日本にナンバー1ドライバーです、昨日もその実力を見せえくれました。もちろん結果は優勝です。今回は試合以来ファンの前で顔を出しましたが、久しぶりに自分は素直に笑顔が出ました。頑張ってください、と足は早く治してくださいとたくさんの人に元気が出るような言葉を頂ました。そこで、僕を呼んでくれたバイク王さんの民さんと決めました。僕はもう見るだけじゃ駄目です、本当は走りたいでしょうって言われまして!バイク王はニコラスとチームを組んでドラッグレースのパイロットを目指してもらいたいです!と言われました。。。いやちょっと待ってよ?僕は走っていいですか?というような話をしながら、僕は中村選手みたいなトップクラスのレースは無理ですよ。だって400メーターで300キロ以上出すでしょう!!!無理です。と話から上手い具合に横から交わすつもりだったのが!ニコラスさんドラッグレースは下のクラスもありますよ、そこからでどうですか?最初はスクーターで走ってもらいたいです。悪いけど、スクーターだったら絶対にやりたいです。簡単に言えばそこで話は固まりました、そしていきなりの雨の中でトークショーが始まりました。何と僕はバイク王とチームを作って来年に向けてレーサーになりますような発表をしました!心の中でわくわくしてきました、新しい趣味が出来て本当に嬉しいです。そして、中村選手は先生になってくれる話までくれました、RED MOTORS、中村さん自身のバイクショップは僕のバイクをいじってくれという話もされました。このチームは成立したことによって間違えないでしょう。バイク王はメインスポンサーで中村&RED MOTORSはバックアップ。安心してレースに参加できそうです。今日はでも朝早く起きて日記を書いていますが、もう病院のほうに行きます!体は治らないとバイクのレースの話はまず無いですけど。。。試合以外の趣味が出来て本当に嬉しいです。

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sweet home !

I got back in last night, and I totally feel at home here. It is hot in Japan, I had forgot how hot it get's here, but just stepping out of the airplane was a crude awakening. I had to fly back here for two reasons, one is to check my body and get an MRI, which I am already scheduled for tomorrow morning. That is a good thing. Second, I am working today at the Motegi race track. I was suppossed to do a celebrity run on the track, but my leg is not up for that. So I will just be showing up for some pictures, and a couple of interviews.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Bye Hawaii !

I guess it was a good trip after all, I am getting ready to fly out of here, and back to Japan. There are many things I need to do once I get back, but most of all I need to get to the hospital. This morning the Internal bleeding had come out to the surface of my groin area, and it is right on top of the area where I had a Hernia operation years back. I am not too impressed with it. But let's not get too exited about it until I have the results from the MRI. Hawaii has been good to me this time, apart from the pain in my groin area it has been good to breathe in the air and see the Ocean. We were able to drive around a bit yesterday, and by coincidence we bumped into these cute fellows. They were just kind of crawling up on the beach and munching on the sea grass.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lunch time!

I guess that since there is not much to do, I get time to enjoy some good foods. This is how my lunch looks like, great steak with broccoli and toast with cheese and Avocado. In the days since the fight I have gained about 5 kg's. Not working out and basically just lying around has not been good for me, I need to get into gear soon or I will end up looking like the Butterbean!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He got out of Hospital

Last night we went and picked Koichi up from the hospital, he went through a long surgery and although he was pretty bad the night after. He seemed in good spirits by the time he was able to leave. He said that he was a little sore around the eye, but that he can see with it. The Doctor told us that it was a little bit harder than he had expected, but that he was very confident about the operation. We were lucky that they had an Eye and face specialist on the staff at the hospital, and he made us all feel very confident both before and after the procedure.

I am still confused about how to feel about myself, I can't understand how this could have happened. I trained so hard for it, and never doubted that I would be able to fight to my fullest. Maybe I over trained a bit, and the tear and wear on my body was just too much for me. I need to get it checked up at the hospital as soon as possible, and when I get back to Japan on Friday I am going straight to the hospital. I trained so hard for this tournament, I gave it my fullest attention and knew in my heart that I could win this. I had all the cards in front of me, but then when it was my turn to play I tore a muscle and it was all over before I got started. It pains me more in my heart than anything else, I have such great support from all over. And all I could show was this, I understand that it happens. It happens a lot in other sports, but this should not happen to me again and again. I have no luck in that ring, and right now I am thinking that I might be jinxed or something. I don't believe it, because it seems to unreal that some other powers in the universe should be able to influence the outcome of my preparations. But it is also very real that after every fight I have I end up in the hospital, I hate hospitals, I hate looking up at the ceiling of hospitals. I am feeling very much like an empty shell of a human being right now. It is because when I get injured it feels like my whole life is being put on hold. I need to get over this injury and get on with my life, there is so much more to life out there than lying in bed with a ice pack on your thigh. I had actually torn a groin muscle in the last sparring before the fights, and gotten some cortisone injections in it, but coming over here and just focusing on the fight and getting ready for it, I felt very confident that it would not hold me back. There was pain but nothing I couldn't handle, I have been through it before and knew how to deal with it. But when I felt it snap in the fight, I just knew that I would not make it any better by trying to fight with it. I know my body and it limitations, it is just really frustrating that my body choose that moment in time to pull out. I guess it could have happened anytime, even during the training leading up to the fight. Or it could have happened after the fight, but life has a funny way of seriously throwing curb balls my way. And now I need to deal with the repercussions of the choices I made in there.



Monday, August 11, 2008

Koichi is in Hospital!

I am still in pain from my torn muscle in the groin area, but there is someone who is a lot worse shape than me. Koichi fought a reserve fight on the card, and against Rico he stood strong for 3 rounds. I knew that he had lost the fight, but he didn't back down from him and showed true Samurai Spirit. He ended up breaking a bone in the eye socket area, and went through surgery yesterday. He is recovering good, and we are glad that he gets to stay for another week before going back to Japan. I still don't know how to feel about the whole event, and need some more time to go over the whole thing in my mind.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't know what to say...

I just got back to my hotel, but it all feels wrong. I should be full of bruises and tired, in stead I just have a mayor tear in my groin muscle. I need some more time to think about what went wrong, but first of all I would like to say that I am sorry for the performance tonight! It took me by surprise...


Saturday, August 9, 2008

”Where are you going?" I'm going to pick a fight !

Have you seen the movie Brave Heart? Well that was my favorite line form it. I never take a day like this lightly, and today is no different from any other fight day. I feel good, slept like a baby all night and waking up now I put myself on auto pilot. The fights will come in their due time, I am ready for it and can handle what ever comes my way. Thank you all for keeping me going until now, I will meet you all here again after the fights are done.


Friday, August 8, 2008


I got home after the press conference last night, and decided to lie down and flick the channels on the TV set. When I happened to find this movie running on the set! Karate Kid part 2 ! It is hilarious, almost like a sign telling me to stick to the Samurai Heart that I have been given. Well, it is all I have and even if I try not to then it still comes out, because it is me. I am Samurai Hearts and proud to be who I am. There is not much to do today but hang out around the pool and just relax read my book, or whatever I suddenly feel like doing. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us, and I just want to do what I do best.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last day before the rush !

It is just a couple of days to the fights start, and I had a nice day training and relaxing. I don't know if you can call the training part relaxing, but for dinner we went down to the Aloha Tower. The Tower is located right in the Harbour area, and you can actually take some ferries to the other Islands like the Big Island or...I am not sure what the rest of the Hawaiian Island are called, but apart from this stupid tourist photo that I took, we looked down into the water at the Harbour. And it was like looking down into an aquarium, there were a fountain of fish in all sizes. The biggest ones around a meter long! It was so beautiful, I whish we could go snorkeling right there in the Harbour area. Today we are having the official Photo shoot and some interviews, after that there is an event for the fans or something. I wont be checking into the hotel until tomorrow, so I get to stay away from the frenzy a bit longer. It can be a bit too much leading up to the fights, but I am used to by now and know what to expect. This morning I weighed in at 221 pounds, and that is exactly where I wanted to be!

  Oh, then they put up another thing on me on the FEG website.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

SAMURAI HEARTS ! Reklame pa Dansk

Yep, you can now click on the link and check out my first Nation wide commercial! It will start airing on the 8th. August, just around the time of the Olympic Games. It is all done in Danish, I think in order to catch the viewers attention! I don't think they have used Danish in a commercial in Japan yet! anyway, if you want to see it then just click on the link here.

昨日からSamurai Hearts のCMが見れるようになりました、地上波テレビでは8月8日から流されるらしいです。ただどこのわくでやるのかわからないです、でも、テレビを見て見ていればどこかでは見れ事が出来ると思います。そんなに待ちたくないのであれば、このリンクをクリックすればいつでも見れますが、よろしくお願いします!話している言葉は全部デンマーク語です。自分は日本テレビではデンマーク語を話しているのは初めてです、分かりますか?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This place is beatiful!

We are staying in a Apartment building located in Kahala area, even if you don't know Oahu Hawaii. Then you have might have heard of Waikiki? Well, Waikiki is the main tourist place to stay in Hawaii. It is full of hotels and tourists from all over the world, and it lies just beside the famous Diamond Head Crater. Well, there is an area on the other side of the Diamond Head called Kahala, it is more laid back and what you might consider a high end residential area. There is a golf club just on the other side of the road here, and the place is just quiet. The complex that we are staying in has its own pool and training center, and it is here that Koichi spend our hours training and other wise. The mall is just around the corner, so we can swing by and pick up a Starbucks coffee anytime. I love it here!


Monday, August 4, 2008

I know this is going to look funny!

So we spent some time at the beach today, and brought a water melon! Koichi and I could not decide who was going to break it first, but I ended up doing the honors. It was a nice size and all the kids and I enjoyed it. Training is going well too, feeling good and getting good food over here. So now that we are down to the last week, we just need to keep up the work and go with the flow. Before we know it the fights are here and then it is party time.


Sunday, August 3, 2008


I just thought that I would show you a couple of more shots from the Samurai Hearts CM shoot.

Check it out !

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Training by the poolside

Koichi and I started training this morning, and although the location is right up beside the beach and the pool. Training is still training and it was a good work out. This afternoon we are going to the local Gold's Gym, and then we are going to hit it hard again. We are both feeling really good, had an early night yesterday. After having taken care of the basic shopping we stocked up the house on steaks and water, but by 22:00 o'clock we were all in bed and sleeping. Waking up this morning I don't feel any kind of Jet lag, but more or less just got up and followed routine.

昨日はゆっくりと買い物に行って止まるところの周りを見て、基本的に家に飲み物とステーキをたくさん買って。今日からほぼ普通におきて練習しました、今日の練習場所はプールサイドでしたけど。練習は練習ですから息を上げて、気持ちよく体を動かしました後に今Blogを書きながらブロッコリーとステーキを食べている。最高のパワーフードです。この後はハワイGold's Gymに行きます、時差ボケはまったくなくってもう生活のリズムは取れたのでいい感じです。

Friday, August 1, 2008

Rainbow in Hawaii !

The weather is always changing here in Hawaii, and one minute there is a full rainbow. But a couple of minutes after that, it is all gone so you have to be quick!

Just landed in Hawaii !

Yep, it was a smooth flight over, it was a lot more of a hassle to actually get everything out of the house. But we made in time, and although I was in the airport with my laptop I couldn't find any hot spots...So here we are, Koichi came over with me to help out with the last weeks training, and then he got a fight himself so we are pretty exited about it. Anyway, I got exited about the fact that there is a high speed lan connection in this apartment! I got hooked up the second I saw it.

Here are a couple of shots from what I was doing just before I left Japan, I was at a kids safety event, taking pictures and signing autographs!


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