But last night I took off to go and teach Karate on my bike. The weather was fine, but by the time I had finished teaching a steady think sheet of rain was coming down from the dark sky. I had agreed on meeting Ryo and Koichi after the class, and we made our way down to a local Ramen shop called Ko-men. I think we were in there for about an hour talking about life and other important things Men talk about while eating Ramen! And then we got outside in the pouring rain, it was coming down hard now. But I had to get my bike home, so there was really no other options for me but to get up on my steel horse and take off in the rain. I live about 5min. from the Harajuku GOLD'S GYM where I run my Karate class. But because of the rain it took about 15min. and when I walked in through the door to my house, I was soaked to the bone. Now a little rain has never hurt anyone, but this is not even the rain season! Talking about all this rain, that hurricane Oscar or whatever they are calling it is going to hit the coast of Louisiana by tomorrow, and that is not going to be pretty, 9 meter waves are rolling in and building up speed. I understand why they are all getting out of the city, that is some scary stuff. probably twice or three times as big as what hit Thailand last time.
