This morning we did our second turning point test, and although we only had 2 fighters doing the test. My team members all showed up and showed great spirit. It was a very hard test, and just looking at them, I was glad that I am not at their level. It has been hard enough for me along the way, but they all really did their best today. I was very proud of them all and feel very confident that they will all become very strong one day. Then after the test I was lucky enough to finally meet a man I have been waiting to meet for quite some time now. I don't think I can tell you about this person just yet, but he might hold some of the power to where my future will go. I was very exited about it and my friend who introduced him to me, was even more exited about the meeting, so we spent another hour after he had gone talking about life. I decided to go home and just chill in front of my table outside and enjoy a great BBQ. Since I have wireless LAN in my house I can connect anywhere. Sitting here grilling the various meats listening to both my music in the computer and the Semi? big bugs making noisy sounds to attract females, I am writing this entry. How real does it get? I hope you all have a great weekend, and if my Mom, reads this then let me just say that I miss her every time I have BBQ's here. Last time when she was here in Japan, we all had some great times in the back of my house, sitting here talking until our neighbors told us to pack it up!
