Koichi and I started training this morning, and although the location is right up beside the beach and the pool. Training is still training and it was a good work out. This afternoon we are going to the local Gold's Gym, and then we are going to hit it hard again. We are both feeling really good, had an early night yesterday. After having taken care of the basic shopping we stocked up the house on steaks and water, but by 22:00 o'clock we were all in bed and sleeping. Waking up this morning I don't feel any kind of Jet lag, but more or less just got up and followed routine.
昨日はゆっくりと買い物に行って止まるところの周りを見て、基本的に家に飲み物とステーキをたくさん買って。今日からほぼ普通におきて練習しました、今日の練習場所はプールサイドでしたけど。練習は練習ですから息を上げて、気持ちよく体を動かしました後に今Blogを書きながらブロッコリーとステーキを食べている。最高のパワーフードです。この後はハワイGold's Gymに行きます、時差ボケはまったくなくってもう生活のリズムは取れたのでいい感じです。