Made a movie about himself? I have no idea what it is about? But apparently it is a self parody, what ever that is supposed to mean? He has been in a very long dark slump and I think he is trying to revive himself and work his way back up again? It is not easy being a movie star, living life as a normal person gets very hard. And I can imagine how hard it must be to have been up there and then fall all the way down, I have been there and done that. Of course not in the same kind of scale, but still the same. I feel that it made me into the man I am today, so finally having come to terms with it all I have gained from it all. First time I saw JCVD was in Blood Sport! And that made me an instant fan, he was super cool in that movie, it had all the right elements of what a good Martial Arts movie should have. I can still watch it today and get a kick out of it. Hope this new thing about himself is good, because I actually like him as an actor. Imagine me getting the chance to work with him one day?
今日はバン ダムの12月公開JVCDっていう実写?版映画を見に行きます、角川エンターティンメントから誘われて行きます。JCVDは昔からのファンですが最近この何年間かなりのスランプに入ってて、あまりいい話は聞かないです。しかし、今回はしっかりと仕事をしてきたそうですので、これから彼の活動は楽しみにです。初めて見た時はBLOODSPORTっていうヒット映画だった、その時からファンになりました。格闘技をきれいに見せてくらました。できたら一緒に仕事したいですね!