Yesterday just after I had finished training, Naito showed up to get a couple of T-Shirts. Timing was good because I had just finished and had time to take care of him before shooting off to Shinjuku for a meeting. I took this shot in Shinjuku in front of the coffee shop where I met up with my partners. There were a lot of bikes parked there in front of the station, it is like a hot spot for bikes because you don't get a fine for parking there. And that might just be the only place in Tokyo where there is free parking!
昨日内藤さんがジムに来た後に自分は新宿で打ち合わせがあったので、急いで移動した。バイクの駐輪場はほとんどない東京なかで、新宿のVICTORIA GOLFの前ではすごい数がともっているので意外と思い白いスポットです。これはいつまで無料でそこでバイクは止めれるのかわからないけど、きっと誰かがクレーム入れたらみんなアウトです。それまではみんな止めるんだろうけど。。。