I had a promotional interview for SMOKERS, and since I had just finished training when they came in I was still sweating and kind of tired. But it put in a good mood for the interview and the guy asking me questions had really done his homework, so it all turned out really good. We are going to need as much exposure on the event as possible, and where ever I can get in a word about my acting career it is all good. Talking about acting, I got invited to go to Steven Spielberg's Japan premiere of Eagle Eye this Thursday. And I have been told that we are going to meet him, but I was told the same thing about Jet Li, when he came for his Martial Arts movie Spirit. It would be awesome though to actually meet him.

SMOKERSようのプロモーション取材をやりました。練習のすぐ後にとったので汗をかきながら話していた、体はもちろん疲れていたけどそれはそれである意味良かったです。取材者はかなり勉強をしてきたので鋭い質問にたいして自分からたくさん話しました。写真の出来はちょっと分からないけど、話には気持ちたっぷり入りました。演技の話もしましたし、そういえば木曜日はアヤト・チエさんと一緒にスピールバーグのEagle Eyeのレッドカーペットあり紹介に行くことになりました。本人に会えるらしいです!それは会いたいけど実はたぶん難しいです、しかし会えたら最高です。青い目のサムライです!よろしくお願いします!言っ
