Last night I was teaching the Karate class in Harajuku GOLD'S GYM, and apart from the fact that everyone is doing really well. We have been moved down to the basement, where there is a room for classes of what ever. Aerobics or dance or Martial Arts, there are a couple of bags and before we start training we are able to put thick matts on the floor and it becomes a real dojo. It is about twice as big as the gym on the 3rd. floor where we used to train in. I really like it over there now, we have a great atmosphere in there and everyone is training hard to get ready for the tournament next month.
昨日、原宿のGOLD'S GYMで空手の指導をしたけど、いつもとなにが違うかと言うと3階から地下2階のジムに移動されました。地下2階のジムは全然広いです!フロアーにマットを引いて10分で道場に変身。気持ちよくみんなはのびのびと練習しています。僕も道義を着て気合を入れて頑張っています、体の具合は最近本当に良くなったので練習は楽しくってしょうがないです。水曜日と土曜日は空手のフィーバーの日です!押忍!