Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
For some crazy reason my brother in Denmark, invited me to join facebook. I really don't know if I have the time for it, but what the hell it is kind of fun. Except for him not being there at all...If you want to check it out then try and find me...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Laughs on me...
This one is for those of you who can read English and Japanese...two days ago I spoke about a replacement car, in Japanese that is called a dai-sha(代車)、but there is another kind of car that is also called a dai-sha(台車),which is a trolley to push boxes etc. around with. And not thinking twice about it, I wrote in Japanese that if you want to get a dai-sha(trolley) this is the kind of trolley you would want to get, about the sick Mercedes Lorimer I was driving for a couple of days. Of course someone was kind enough to point it out to me...kind of embarrassing!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sea snake!

You might know that I have a big sea water fish tank? And although it is a constant battle to get the water right and the right pack of fish together, when you finally get there it is all worth it. A friend of mine has also been doing it for a very long time, and we often talk about how to do this or that? And a couple of months ago all my fish suddenly died! From being all happy and looking good in the morning, by the time I had gotten home from training a couple of hours later they had all perished. So I didn't do much about it for some time, until I changed out all the water and tried to start all over. It was going fine until I put in a batch of test fish. They also all died within the first week! Feeling really discouraged I asked my friend if I could have some of his bacteria from his tank? Being willing I got some and my tank has now a proud batch of about 12 fish that seem to be having a good time. I bought this sea monster yesterday, because I have never seen them in a fish tank before and have always been fascinated by them.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Although the weather is nice it is getting cold.
Winter is on the way and that means a lot of changes in the weather and atmosphere. I have had a sore throat for about a month now...It is really hard to speak and waking up in the morning is terrible. But then about noon it warms up and I am able to speak a bit, lately I have been doing a lot of talking. Trying to start something new with a couple of friends, we need to speak about everything and make sure there are no loopholes. But it is also kind of exiting to be involved in somthing new. And then most of all I have been trying to buy a bike from America! It is the most awesome bike I have ever seen...If I get it then I am sure you all are going to love it too!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Nice shots yesterday
I think we took more than 800 pictures yesterday! It was a long session but we all had fun and I got to take some pictures with a model too. I am seriously looking forward to seeing what came out of the session. We shot a lot of black and white photo's and used a lot of shadow work, these kind of pictures are hard to take but if you get it just right then you can make it look awesome. This picture is taking Simen Kjelling in Hong Kong last year, and he didn't even use a set up light. He relied only on the light he could find in the rooms we were in.
昨日は峯尾さんがたぶん800枚以上とったんじゃないかと思います。光と影で全部が変わるので、カメラマンによって全然違うです。まだそんなに見てないですが、ちらっと見たものはよかったです。大体14:30からメークをして、15:00~撮影開始、終わったのは20:00時ぐらいでした。かなり眼は疲れたけど、かっこいい写真は撮れたらいいんじゃないかと思う。今日の写真はSimen Kjellingっていうカメラマン(ノールウエイ)が香港で撮ってくれた写真です。僕のウエブページの一番最初に出てくる写真とかほとんど全部はかれが撮ってくれた写真です。
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Photo's from a dear friend !
Today I am going on a photo shoot for one of my old students, he happens to be a photographer! I had not seen him in quite some time, but when I bumped into him a while back he asked me if it would be allright to shoot me? I said that he would be cool as long as I got the pictures after. And the deal was settled, these are some of the photo's he took the other day in my gym. His name is Mineo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Faisal Wins !
It was a long day till the fights started, so I went out with some of my friends from Okinawa. They took me to a restaurant close to the beach that served Thai food! And it was awesome, really awesome! After that we made our way out to the venue and got ready to fight. Although it went an extra round, Faisal won and that is all that really matters. Today I am meeting my friends from the base and we are going to swing out there and check out some of the helicopters and other cool stuff. 
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Okinawa is nice !
It is really nice here now, last time I came it was in the middle of the summer and it was just too hot. but now it is just perfect. Faisal is feeling good because he likes the hot weather, hope it is going to be a good fight tonight. I think we are the last one on the card, so I want to make it a good show.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Okinawa !
Faisal is fighting tomorrow in Okinawa, so we are leaving a day early to get ready for the big night. It will be my second time to go to Okinawa, and I am pretty exited about it. Looking forward to get away from the daily grinder here in Tokyo, hope I will have enough time to get to the beach...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Samurai Spirit !
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Earthquake !
Earthquakes are not a laughing matter in Japan, and if you feel a bit out of place or don't know what to do during a big one then there are places to go to where you can learn. In Ikebukuro there is a very big fire department, which has built in a whole section to teach people about the dangers of fire,earthquakes and other situations that are potentially dangerous. I actually sat in a room that simulated a 6 Richter scale quake! And it was a lot bigger than I had first assumed, I have experienced a lot of smaller and some bigger quakes during my time in Japan. But it was nothing compared to machine that simulated a big one. Then there is all the fire stuff and games that teach the children how to call in an emergency, I thought it was a real good place to go and actually prepare for when it happens. Because it is just a question of time before the next big one comes, we all know it will come but just not exactly when. Feels a bit like sitting a time bomb...tick tock, tick tock...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Quarter Pounder !

Do you know about the Quarter Pounder? It just opened up here in Omotesando, just around the corner from the GOLD'S GYM I work out at. I think it is Mc. Donalds, but not quite sure. They only sell two things, either a double quarter pounder or a single with fries and a drink. No different sizes, just the two meals to choose between. It is real easy, fast and quite yummy. Good news is that they are open 24 hours, so if I get hungry in the middle of the night I know where I can get myself a good burger!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
About that bowling thing...

I know that I have humiliated myself by tell you all about my score...but there was one good thing going on that night. While we were waiting to get our lane, I wasted a 100 yen coin on a video game. And the game being a shooting game, gave me a chance to fully explore its potential.
As you can see I got the high score!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
I suck at Bowling !
We went bowling last night, it is something we all get together and do once in a while and it is kind of fun in american way. I don't know whats fun about it, but I guess I just kind of like the idea of everyone doing high fives when someone hits a strike...Except I didn't get any strikes, or any spares...I ended up on a lousy 80 points...I really suck at bowling and it is kind of embaressing to talk about it!
Thursday, November 6, 2008

How many characters do we know by their shadow alone...? I guess there is Batman and Superman, but they are all larger than life characters making their way out of the comic books. Indy Jones shadow appears and everyone knows there is something going on, never a dull moment around that guy. Disguised as a boring archaeologist he is everything from boring, a true treasure hunter and every boys dream come true. I just bought the whole series and am looking forward to reviewing it with my kids...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Making History !

We are priviliged to be living in such great times, history is being made around us and we are at the center of it all. Today I am proud to be an American ! Barack Obama well done and good luck with it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Clutch change at S.P. WORKS

僕はいつもBlogの英語分を書きすぎているのかな~?始まるとすぐ長い文章になる!昨日はまたS.P.WORKSまで行ってバイクをいじってもらいました。ネットでScreaming Eagleのマフラーを買って、待てなくってつけてもらいました。本当に低いあたたかいおおとを出しているマフラーでかっこいいです。何年前からあのメーカーのマフラーは欲しかったですけど、買うと思わなかったですか探していなかったです。今回はたまたまネットを見たらいいのはありました、そしてお金を振り込んだ次の日に家に届きました。ネットはやっぱり便利です。それと、約5年前に四国で映画の撮影に行っている時にハーレーのショップからクラッチのオプションパーツをもらいまして、それはハーレーのクラッチを軽くするパーツでしたけど。なぜかいまで使っていなかったです。それも昨日付けてもらいました。めちゃくちゃ軽くなって本当にいいです!今だったらドラッグでは0.8秒はたぶん速くなるんじゃないか!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Mount Fuji Rocks !


Saturday, November 1, 2008
What an event that was !!!

I think we are really getting on to something here, I had a great time at the event this time. And I think just about everybody else had a good time too. Samukawa was awesome! I can't thank him enough. All the fights were good, my Black Samurai Emeka knocked out his opponent in the first round again, and he is now on his way to bigger better opponents. I was very exited about the great turn out, there were lots of people from last time and lots that were there for the first time. But I am sure it will not be the last time for them all to come back. It was a lot of hard work to get everything together, but during the last fight I made my way up back and took a good look at everyone watching. And it was truly worth it all! My friend from MOBIKE, Nakamura came along and took some cool shots.
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