I made it back over to S.P.WORKS yesterday, the muffler I had bought on the auctions came the day after I paid for it. So you can imagine how excited I have been about to put it on. It is a "Screaming Eagle" muffler, and they are a special brand for high performance parts for Harley's. I have wanted to get a Screaming Eagle muffler for a very long time now, but just never got around to it. And it sounds great ! It has a very cool low roar to it, and when I pull up at the light, it makes everything around it shake. Just what a good muffler should be doing! Then I pulled out the special clutch adapter that I have had lying around my house for about 5 years now. It was given to me almost exactly 5 years ago, when I was shooting on a movie down in Shikoku. I was playing a priest riding around on my Harley, and the shop that provided the bike gave me this part as a gift. I have just not been riding my Harley enough to take the effort to actually go and get it done, but recently it is the only bike I ride and I have been taking good care of it with the help from my friend Sherif. After putting the optional part on the clutch is now just like a sports bike, and it makes me wonder why I didn't do that a long time ago...
僕はいつもBlogの英語分を書きすぎているのかな~?始まるとすぐ長い文章になる!昨日はまたS.P.WORKSまで行ってバイクをいじってもらいました。ネットでScreaming Eagleのマフラーを買って、待てなくってつけてもらいました。本当に低いあたたかいおおとを出しているマフラーでかっこいいです。何年前からあのメーカーのマフラーは欲しかったですけど、買うと思わなかったですか探していなかったです。今回はたまたまネットを見たらいいのはありました、そしてお金を振り込んだ次の日に家に届きました。ネットはやっぱり便利です。それと、約5年前に四国で映画の撮影に行っている時にハーレーのショップからクラッチのオプションパーツをもらいまして、それはハーレーのクラッチを軽くするパーツでしたけど。なぜかいまで使っていなかったです。それも昨日付けてもらいました。めちゃくちゃ軽くなって本当にいいです!今だったらドラッグでは0.8秒はたぶん速くなるんじゃないか!