Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Earthquake !

Earthquakes are not a laughing matter in Japan, and if you feel a bit out of place or don't know what to do during a big one then there are places to go to where you can learn. In Ikebukuro there is a very big fire department, which has built in a whole section to teach people about the dangers of fire,earthquakes and other situations that are potentially dangerous. I actually sat in a room that simulated a 6 Richter scale quake! And it was a lot bigger than I had first assumed, I have experienced a lot of smaller and some bigger quakes during my time in Japan. But it was nothing compared to machine that simulated a big one. Then there is all the fire stuff and games that teach the children how to call in an emergency, I thought it was a real good place to go and actually prepare for when it happens. Because it is just a question of time before the next big one comes, we all know it will come but just not exactly when. Feels a bit like sitting a time bomb...tick tock, tick tock...


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