Thursday, July 31, 2008


Yes, I am finally able to bring to you "SAMURAI HEARTS", it is a silver/platinum line of jewellery that is based on the ancient Samurai Spirit and modern day Samurai. That would be me, Nicholas Pettas, the Blue Eyed Samurai. I love it, specially the one with all the Diamonds in it.

やっと、”SAMURAI HEARTS" を皆さんに紹介できるようになりました。これは夢なようなジュエリーラインです。僕はコンセップトとキャラです、今度地上波でCMを流すことになりましたし。かなりこの件に関しては燃えています、これからは世界に向けて日本で生まれたブランドにぶつけたいと思っています。自分は本当に好きです、時にダイヤ入りのものはかっこいいです!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Morning run !

Just got back from my morning run, and today although it was very hard. I am feeling good, exited about leaving for Hawaii tomorrow night. I am in great condition and pushing hard just feels right now, I can't wait to get to the tournament and all the excitement involved around the fighting. Hawaii is going to be good for me, I like fighting outside Japan. Last night I had a great dinner with a bunch f friends in Japan, and they all just wanted to wish me luck in the upcoming fights.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

NHK, Samurai Spirit !

As you probably already know I have been working on a program called Samurai Spirit lately, and yesterday I had to do the final narration for the program. It seemed like the guys were all pretty exited about the program, it looked pretty good to me too and I can't wait to see the whole thing. I learned a lot from the program and hope that they will make a series out of it. If they do it will be my first time to host my own whole 30min. program.


FEG home page up ! K-1 Official site

check out this link !

Monday, July 28, 2008

On my way...

Yep, just another few days to we all leave for Hawaii, I am looking forward to getting out of here because it will mean that I can focus 100% on the fight. I know that I am very lucky in the sense that I am able to work besides the fighting, but some times it can get a bit hard. Like today my schedule looks like this, 7:30 wake up 8:00to 9:00 Running and conditioning work. 9:00to 9:30 breakfat and blog entry, 11:00 to 12:30 Kickboxing With Fuji TV there for an interview afterwards. 14:30 to 16:00 Narration for my NHK program. 17:30 to 19:30 teaching and training Kickiboxing. 23:00 lights out and sleep. Oh, this is what my breakfast looks like these days...Natto, rice, 3 eggs with cheese and ice coffee!


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Commercial Shoot !

I spent all Sunday shooting a 15sec commercial which is to air in Japan, from the beginning of August. I can't tell you right now what it is for, but it is something that is just down my lane. It was fun to shoot my first commercial, I have done a lot of work on TV until now, but this was very different because you only have those 15 sec. to convey your message. I hope it looks good, because I had prepared my body for it and got into the mind set of it all.


TV Shooting !

Yesterday I was shooting for a program called "Battle Scramble", it is a pre-K-1 Hawaii program. They came to my house and filmed me with the kids washing my car and talking etc. It was the first time for me to show where I live and my family, although my my wife didn't get in front of the camera we all had a good time. I think I spent too much time talking! So I think it is going to be hard for the guys to cut it up. I would like to see the full no-cut version, because I was asked a lot of serious questions which I answered truthfully. It can sometimes be hard to express myself without having to dig deep, but I have found that it is better to speak the truth rather than some fabricated story about how you want people to perceive you. For those of you that have been coming here for a while, I am sure that you know that I only know how to speak the truth. I am who I am and there is not much I want to change about that, so I always try and stay true to that one goal.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Smokers Party All Night !

Yes, it is all over now, and what a good time everyone had. We ended up winning the battle, Nitta's two fighters both lost on points and K.O. but my two fighters, Maruyama and Black Samurai Emeka both won by K.O. thereby securing the victory. It was a really good time and there was a lot of people that were exited. I got to meet everyone and tried to take pictures with as many of the guests as possible. I was actually so busy myself running around that I forgot to take any pictures myself, but soon I will get something to show.

お疲れ様でした、昨日のSMOKERS2nd. Volume,葉無事に終わりました、熱いなかで皆さんは本当に楽しそうでした。僕はいろんなお客さんに会うのに忙しかったです、忙しくって自分の写真をとるのを忘れてた。。。川野君、や鈴木さんとたくさんの記者の人たちは来てくれたので、写真はもう少し待っててください。でも、本当に暑い中で皆さんはよく飲んでよく食べてくれましたし、絶対にまたやりたいです。もうここで次回の予定にしている日程は9月の19か26日ですが、本当に固まったら教えます。次回もよろしくお願いします。今日から土曜日日曜日テレビの撮影が入っています、のでハワイに行くまでは本当に忙しいですけど練習の時間はちゃんと取れていますので大丈夫だと思います。

Thursday, July 24, 2008


There are still tickets left for those of you who have some free time and want to check it out, then please come along. Hope to see you all there!


Bud's Hair !

I just got back in to Tokyo and then it is straight off to see Nishioka-san, he does my hair. I only go here in Tokyo, because this is the only place I have been to that does it right the first time. And since I got nothing much to do while they are working on my hair color, I pulled out the laptop and thought I might write a bit just to kill the time. It takes them about 3 hours to die and color my hair correctly, it is a long boring process but now that I found out that I get free net connection here I can work at the same time I get this done, that is how convinient the world has become. Luckily for me I am able to do blind touch, or it would be hard on the eyes when I can move my head when they are working on it!The pictures are of last nights dinner, we were going to go to a Lam BBQ, but when we got there they had prepared a huge entry of sashimi, with uni and everything. By the time we had finished the sashimi, I was full and couldn't eat any more, so I am going to have to back and try the lam next time...I was also asked to sign my autograph on the wall, there is a shot of me and the the guy that runs the place we went to.
東京です、いきなりBud's Hairまで来ました、なんと今週末は撮影二回も入ったので髪の毛をちゃんとやらなきゃと思って来ちゃった。これはでもすごい時間がかかるので大体眠くなって寝たりするけど、今日はパソコンを出してみたら、ここも無線が飛んでいるのでBlogアップできるじゃないかと思って、いま暇をつぶしている。昨日は北海道の友人に会っておいしいジンギスハンに行こうと誘われたけど、お店にはこんなにすばらしい海のものをぜんざいとして用意がされました。肉を食べる腹は無かったですので、次回行ったときに食べたいと思います。お店の壁までサインをお願いされました!写真は店長です、Blogにアップされるんですかって喜んでいましたので、約束通りナイスショット!あのうに丼は本当によかったです。

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Talk Show for IBM in Sapporo

Last night I flew in to Sapporo, which is located on the north island of Japan called Hokkaido. I was going to have a talk show, in front of about 300 people working for IBM. It was my first time to sit down and just talk for an hour, but I soon found my pace and time flew away. I went almost 30 min. over time and I hope it didn't interrupt their schedule too much after that.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Can you believe it !

So this afternoon I had just finished training, and I had a small TV shoot in the afternoon. Then I made my way over to the massage Sensei I go to for a quick work out on my back etc. Then Mark Ginther called me and asked if I was up for a weight training session? I said, be there or be square! And then I was out of the sushi shop I had just gone into to load up on the protein. I was sure that I had left my wallet there, because by the time I had made my way to the Gold's Gym for the weights, I had lost my wallet and the little sushi shop was the only place I had taken my wallet out. So I spent a good hour doing some serious aggressive weight training, I was seriously pissed off. There was a lot of money in that wallet so I didn't want to loose it, and it made me really pull some serious weights. I then made my way back to Sushi place and asked about my wallet, but they had not found it anywhere! By this time I had totally given up on actually ever seeing that money again, when I went home to drop of my gym bag before making my way out to my own gym. I then told my wife about it, and she was not too impressed, but there was nothing we could do about it...
I went back to the gym and then I made my way home after having picked up the things I needed, and then my wife greeted me with a smile. She had found the wallet in the toilet on the second floor of our house...How it made it there I have no idea, but there it was and inside was all the money I thought I had lost! So that made me real happy. It just seems that either I am too busy lately or there are seriously some one trying to play tricks with me. I mean I found my keys in the trash can the other day...


Monday, July 21, 2008


Yesterday I took the bike out to Chigasaki and took part in the "Eboshi no Kokoro" event. It was a nice ride out there and I was glad that I took the bike, but then when I got there it was so hot that I had to go and buy a pair of shorts. Luckily it is a good surf spot so there was a nice shop that gave me a good discount, and I walked away a happy man. But apart from that I still managed to put in some good training yesterday, and then don't forget that this Friday is the SMOKERS PARTY !

昨日はバイクで茅ヶ崎まで行きました、”バイク王”presents,"えぼしの心”って言う海をきれいにというテーマのイベントです。昨年もやりました、で今年もどんどん盛り上がりました。来年は花火大会までやりたいと言っています、今年は茅ヶ崎のおみこし祭りと絡んで海を楽しくやりました。帰りはバイクでよかったな~と思って理由はなんと高速は11キロの渋滞でした!ま、それよりも今週金曜日19:30~SMOKERS PARTYをまたやりますのでチケットは後ちょっとしか残っていないですので生きたい方は早めにお買い上げくださいますように!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eboshi no Kokoro !

Back home again !

Just got back in to Tokyo, it was a good event and although we lost our fight we learned a lot. It is always good to be able to go and meet the Martial Arts fans outside of Tokyo, they don't have the same avaialbility to watch it, so they watch the fights with eyes unclouded. I got to take a lot of pictures with Babies and that is always cool. Koichi and I finished off the event by sparring for a round, it was a good check up for both of us and we had a lot to talk about in the train ride back home.

Breathless Muay Thai 5 in Sendai

We are all just sitting here in the locker room, waiting for the fights to start. Yasutaka Pettas is feeling pretty good, he has more than 50 friends coming to see him fight. So I hope it goes well, I just happened to get a free access to the net and thought I would upload a blog.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

one blue eyed samurai to another blue eyed samurai

Alex Bennet, 6th. Dan in Kendo, lived in Japan for 20 years. A true Samurai or I would even say another Blue Eyed Samurai. I had the pleasure of meeting Alex at the Budo-Kan for an interview at the HQ of the Kendo section there. My first impression of Alex was how sincere he seemed, he has a very pleasant air about himself and carries himself very well. I first say him when he walked in and spoke Japanese to the people working at the Kendo office. His Japanese is more fluent than mine and he wears Tatami layered sandals. Even the Japanese don’t choose that kind of traditional foot wear, because they are so western influenced, and often feel embarrassed to get down with their own roots. Alex knows good things when he sees them, and so do I. I have been wearing the same kind of traditional foot wear for years, only recently to have changed to a pair of leather sandals from Timberland. Oh, they are good too…But the thing about meeting another foreign Martial Artist in Japan, is kind of eerie, I mean although we have chosen different tools to get the same kind of experiences with Japanese culture, and we have been exposed to it to such an extend that it has come to shape our lives. We just have to look in each others eyes and see our own reflection there, it was amazing to speak with Alex, and the fact that he was so very knowledgeable about his passion only made the interview that much better. I seriously felt a great connection and am sure that we will meet again. Alex located in Kyoto, and I here in Tokyo, but our paths will have a chance to cross again. And for that time, I look forward to sharing both drinks and awesome conversation. It has been an honor to meet someone like Alex Bennet, like seeing a ghost or a reflection of myself. The Blue Eyed Samurai Spirit still lives.剣道6段、Alex Bennet 日本に来日してから20年、京都にもう一人の青い目の侍がいました。この前のNHK番組のおかげでAlexさんに会うことができました、日本武道館の中にある剣道本部に行って取材しました。僕は聞くほうでしたけど。いろいろと似ている話はたくさんありまして、あっと言う間私たちの話は盛り上がりました。選んだ武道は違うけど同じようなみちを歩んできた私たちは話しやすかったです!本人は剣道を日本着てから覚えたんですが、僕は空手を学ぶためにきました。Alexさんは留学生で柔道をやるか剣道をやるかって言う選択しかなかったです、学校では空手部はなかったので剣道に出会いました。たぶん暇だったので練習はいつの間に毎日何時間もやるようになりました、Alexさんにはぴったりでした。なぜか?剣道を好きじゃなかった僕は少しできるようになるとものすごくはまりました、それから一回国に帰って日本に本格的に修行をしたいから戻ってきました。それは何ともう20年になります!僕は大山総裁にあこがれて日本に内弟子をやるために来日。その自分は好きな武道との出会いは違うと言えながら、結果は日本の文化、生き様と気合にほれて離れることなかったです。本人は京都に住んでいるので会うのに何かないとあえないですが、連絡をとってカメラが回っていないところでお酒を飲みながらゆっくり話したいです。

Breathless Muay Thai 5

Friday, July 18, 2008

Indiana Jones 4

Yesterday it was my second daughters birthday, so we all went out to dinner and then the movies. It was a good evening and although they almost didn't let us in the movie theatre, everything turned out good and we had a great time! I loved the movie, it was all a Indy Jones movie should be. I know that I was going to write a thing about Alex Bennet, but something keeps coming up, I will get around to it soon. Sorry about that Alex! Anyway tomorrow the next Pettas is going to have his debut fight in Sendai, so I will be making my way up there tomorrow. 昨日は二番目の娘の誕生日でした、食事に行って映画館でインディー4を見に行きました。あれはレイトナイトショーだと子供は入れないですね!映画は本当に最高でした、僕はすごくよかったです。本当は昨日のBlogはAlex Bennetさんの話をしたかったけど、バイクの鍵で頭は混乱しちゃった。それで、明日は仙台限定の次のぺタスは試合しますので明日は仙台まで行きます。明後日は、毎年海の日にやる”えぼしの心”っていうイベントに顔出します。いろいろと忙しいですけど何よりも最近の暑い日が続いているのは辛いです。

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bummer !

I was going to write a piece about a Kendo 6th. dan today, Mr.Alex Bennet, whom I had the pleasure of meeting last week during the NHK shoot. But in stead I feel that I have to share with you an embarrassing moment from last night, and my thing on Alex will have to come tomorrow...I was about to go home from the gym last night when I couldn't find my keys, so I concluded that I must have locked them in my bike. Luckily Koichi was still there working out with a white collar boxer, so I borrowed his bike and went home to look for a spare key. Turns out I don't have a spare we called in the lock smith! 11.200 yen to make a spare key, and then only to find out that the keys were not in the bike! After that I went through everything once again, and by sheer luck I happened to look in the trash can on the second floor. And that is where I found my keys...I have no clue how they ended up there but I am glad to have found them!

昨日夜仕事が終わって、帰りたいと思ったときでした。バイクの鍵は無いって!どこ探しても出て来ないです、ともしかしてバイクの中に閉まったんじゃないでしょう!KoichiはジムでWhite Collar boxerとパーソナルをやっていたので、彼のバイクを借りて家まで来て合鍵を探しましたけど。合鍵はないです!絶対にあると思ったけど無かったみたいです。。。悲しい。ジムにもどって鍵屋さんを呼んで鍵を作ってもらうことにしました。そしたら、バイクの中には無かったです。。。事務所の中で何回探しても無かったのですが、二階のグミ箱を見たら、何とか鍵はありました!何で?何でゴミ箱の中に入っていたのか分からないですけど、あってよかったです。これは英語という残念!Bummerでした。。。

Sugiyama's Violin Concert!

There is a student of mine called Sugiyama Tomoko, and she is a world class violinist! But since she is still an amateur, we are able to watch her play for free. So if you have time then please show up at the Edogawa-Ku Sougou Bunka Center, at 13:30. It is free so if you like classic music when not take a trip out to Edogawa.

ザ スピリット ジムのお客さんでなんと世界的なレベルのバイオリニストです。今月の26日土曜日の13:30から開場です。チケットは無料です、なのでクラシック音楽興味があれば是非足を運んでうちの杉山さんを応援してください。


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Spirit Gym in Harajuku

昨日は体験者を含めてたくさん来てくれました、今年に入ってから本当にいい気合が入っています。最初はGold's Gym内で空手をやるのは、ちょっとていこうがありましたけど今はしかりとなれました。後は稽古だけに集中しています、新しく入った生徒さんと昔から一緒にやっている生徒さんは気持ちよく練習できるようになりました。何で組み手の稽古は熱いです、よく外のほうから止まって見る方がいます。今の時代って言うのは見る人がいるけど実際にやる人は減っています。これからもっとやる人を増やせて、今のところはもういっぱいにしたいです。もし、体験してみたいならいつでも来てください!ちなみに今年の夏休みは8月9日、13と16日に決定しました、ご注意ください。Awesome Kiai is ringing through the Gold's Gym in Harajuku, at least twice a week when we all show up for the classes. Last night it was a full course, and we even had a free try out student with us. We are mostly grown ups in the class and it makes for a good atmosphere, more than half of the students have been coming for years, while the rest have joined us since we moved to Harajuku, but they all mingle well and Kumite practise is coming along just fine.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CHANGE ! Final 27.4%

Monday night was the last night that "CHANGE" aired and they had prepared a special one take, one cut, scene of 22min. with Kimura Takuya as the Prime Minister of Japan. In about 60 years of making TV in Japan, this was the longest one cut, one take scene ever done. But the amazing thing about the scene is not that he had all his lines down, but that he acted the scene to it's fullest. He cried at the right time and he truly conveyed a young frustrated Prime Minister! I acted along side him for the better part of 3 days in a Studio, and although we only had our lines and faces to work with. I still feel that our interacting came alive, it was an honor to meet up with everyone again last night. We had the Crank Up Party and everyone was able to life the veil of their true feelings, which where all in the same lines of true happiness. Although my part was small, it was still important and it did leave a noticeable impression. I am seriously going to try and get more work like this, because acting has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. And now that I finally am in a position to be able to do this kind of work, I want to really explore it.


Monday, July 14, 2008

NHK で剣道。。。Kendo with NHK TV.

So I actually spent 3 days last week working on my own NHK TV program about Kendo. It was something I have never done before, so you can imagine how it felt like when they asked me to go straight in a do a sparring fight with one of the little guys. I know that Kendo is one of the only Martial Arts that has virtually nothing to do with size or strength. But I had not imagined it to be that hard, I couldn't get my breathing right and since I have spent the last 10 years with my left foot in front, it was really hard to try and keep my right foot in front. But it was a great experience, I got to work and meet with all different kinds of people and the actual experience of fighting with a sword, although made of bamboo was awesome. Here are a couple of shots from when I went to Tokai University.

I tried uploading the pictures from Tokai, but for some reason they wont go...I will keep trying until I get it done, please wait a bit...



Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lowrider in Matsuyama !

After we had finished patrolling the neighborhood,on the way back to the Hotel I saw some funky ass looking cars lined up. So I went over and was surprised to see a totally custom Impala just sitting there on the curb. It was totally cool, and when I asked him if he had hydraulics in it. Well, I guess the picture speaks for itself.


Back home!

Got back and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with my family! here are a couple of shots from my patrolling last night and etc.さっき飛行機に送れそうでした。。。今は家でゆっくりしているので大丈夫ですが。ちょっと、夜のパトロールの話をしたいです。まずは町の真ん中にある商店街にしか遊ぶところ無いので若い子達はみんなそこに行くみたい、親は心配でしょうがないけど僕は見た中で大体みんな普通でした。お酒は入っているって訳じゃないし、声をかければ返事は大体ありました。それと僕と一緒に歩いていた連中は本当にまじめで僕の闘争心にちょっとびっくりしたんじゃないか?だれにでも元気な声で今日は早く帰りましょうと言いました。それと、周りの人たちの言葉はかなり面白かったです。”本当に強いのか?”マネージャーは聞いた、やって見れば?と聞いたときにどこかに行ってしまった。その後、最後に聞いたコメントはなんと”ぺタスだー、きせきですよ、きせき!”これも、僕の周りにいた人間は笑いました。でも、僕は本当に嬉しかったです、悪い人はいなくってパトロールの皆さんはしっかりしているので町には全体的に安心と真心を感じさせてくれるすばらしいところです。

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tokyo !

I am now in the airport, just logged on to a free hotspot and thought that I would update my blog. Last night I had a wonderful time at the talk show, a lot of people came and watched me and listened to me talking about just about everything. We shot a small program too, and then in the night I helped out with the local patrol! It was really cool to walk around with the Guardians Angels, everyone was really nice and I don't think they see a lot of trouble in this part of Japan. I whish I had some more time to stay and meet more people.


Matsuyama, Ehime Talk Show Today

I was just at the coffee shop for the meeting about today's talk show, when I happened to look around on the walls of the shop and noticed the pictures. They were all about Africans and bicycles, and believe it or not Matsuyama has made a program to try and help get rid of the guns in Mozambique. By bringing in a gun they can trade it for a bicycle! I thought that was amazing!And then they melt and chop down the guns and make them into pieces of art, like the one here I took a picture of.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Matsuyama, Ehime Talk Show Today

Made my way down to Matsuyama, and it is a wonderful day. Matsuyama is located 1 hour’s flight from Tokyo, so it was an easy trip to come down here. I am here for a talk show and then some night patrolling, to help out with the security of the city of Matsuyama. I am hoping that a lot of people will show up for the event today. I was just looking at the pictures from Ryo’s fight and then on the one in the hospital, and thinking all to my self how much a person’s face can change in such a short time. そうですよ、今日は愛媛の松山に来ています!今日のイベントはなんとトークショーと夜の町の安全パトロールをします。ここ最高にいい天気です、飛行機から見えた海はすごいきれいでした早く海に行きたいです。今日はたくさん人が来てくれように願っています、僕の話は面白いよ!:)ま、それよりも昨日のBlogのRyo君の写真を見て、何日前の試合直前の顔の写真はあんなに変わるもんですね!本当にバーガーは上手そうに見えます、僕はもう一回食べたくなったよ。。。

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ryo Pettas

I just went to see him at the hospital, and he looked OK. It was an easy operation and there were no complications, so that is a good thing. I bought him some burgers because I know how hospital food is,having spent quite a lot of time in hospitals I can tell you one thing. You are always hungry and bored, even if you are reading a real good book you are still bored. Anyway, I think he will be up and running soon, so lets just give him a little time.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gon-Zo or is it just Gonzo out of the muppet show?

Last week I told you about a dude that said some freak criminal character in a TV soap, had taken my name and called himself Nicholas. Well, they aired the show yesterday in the afternoon, and this what he looked like! In the end he tried to break out of the police station by using flying kicks and karate chops...But they got him in the end! I thought it was hilarious to see some dude say on National TV that he was my greatest fan, although it was in the character of the drama. I still thought it hilarious. これはゴンゾウに出てくる犯人です、昨日昼間に再放送がありまして。それで、録画をしてこの人の顔を皆さんに見せたかったです。最後はかこよくかったですけど、やっぱり何よりもニコラスって言う名前を使っているのは面白かったです。どうすか?この顔?最後は刑務所から逃げ出そうとしましたけど、ゴンゾウはうまく戦って捕まえることに成功。いや~面白かったです。

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mad Nick ! ?

昨日いろんなコメントありがとうございます、それでジムに行ったら雑誌はおいてありました!こんな感じです、僕もちょっとワイルドですね今回。。。...The Real Mad Max, magazine came out yesterday and I was quite interested in checking it out. I had heard that it was a hard core gangster magazine, and so it was! I scanned a couple of pages and this is what the interview looked like

Monday, July 7, 2008

あばれ祭り 2nd.

今日の写真はGreen Applesの皆さんととりました、チアリーダーのグループでした。本当に元気いっぱいで会場を盛り上げてくれました。そして、最後に僕はサイン会をやったときに僕も写真をお願いしてみました!君たちは僕のBlogに乗るかも知れないです、と言ったら写真をとってくれた人は一番緊張しました。僕は写真とっているけどお前らは写真に写っているよ。。。うらやましい!という話をしましたけど、写真をとってくれた方にお礼を申し上げたいです!そう言えば、話は変わりますが、昨日は実はマッドマックス発売されましたけど本屋には無かったです!誰か見ました?それと今日朝からすごい雨です、今日は来るまでジムに行きます。。。Here are a couple of shots from the fights on the weekend, one is of me and the cheerleaders group called the Green Apples. They were all full of energy and also a great success in the hall. The other one is a shot of me when I was signing some autographs, I asked if I could have a shot of the situation? And then the guy who took the picture got all like, hey, you guys are in the picture but I have got Nicholas phone in my hand! Thank you for taking the shot, and don't worry it is just as important to take the shot as it is to be in the shot...Then this morning it is raining so hard, I think some places might over flood. I am taking the car to the gym this morning!

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