I just got back in to Tokyo and then it is straight off to see Nishioka-san, he does my hair. I only go here in Tokyo, because this is the only place I have been to that does it right the first time. And since I got nothing much to do while they are working on my hair color, I pulled out the laptop and thought I might write a bit just to kill the time. It takes them about 3 hours to die and color my hair correctly, it is a long boring process but now that I found out that I get free net connection here I can work at the same time I get this done, that is how convinient the world has become. Luckily for me I am able to do blind touch, or it would be hard on the eyes when I can move my head when they are working on it!The pictures are of last nights dinner, we were going to go to a Lam BBQ, but when we got there they had prepared a huge entry of sashimi, with uni and everything. By the time we had finished the sashimi, I was full and couldn't eat any more, so I am going to have to back and try the lam next time...I was also asked to sign my autograph on the wall, there is a shot of me and the the guy that runs the place we went to.

東京です、いきなりBud's Hairまで来ました、なんと今週末は撮影二回も入ったので髪の毛をちゃんとやらなきゃと思って来ちゃった。これはでもすごい時間がかかるので大体眠くなって寝たりするけど、今日はパソコンを出してみたら、ここも無線が飛んでいるのでBlogアップできるじゃないかと思って、いま暇をつぶしている。昨日は北海道の友人に会っておいしいジンギスハンに行こうと誘われたけど、お店にはこんなにすばらしい海のものをぜんざいとして用意がされました。肉を食べる腹は無かったですので、次回行ったときに食べたいと思います。お店の壁までサインをお願いされました!写真は店長です、Blogにアップされるんですかって喜んでいましたので、約束通りナイスショット!あのうに丼は本当によかったです。