I was going to write a piece about a Kendo 6th. dan today, Mr.Alex Bennet, whom I had the pleasure of meeting last week during the NHK shoot. But in stead I feel that I have to share with you an embarrassing moment from last night, and my thing on Alex will have to come tomorrow...I was about to go home from the gym last night when I couldn't find my keys, so I concluded that I must have locked them in my bike. Luckily Koichi was still there working out with a white collar boxer, so I borrowed his bike and went home to look for a spare key. Turns out I don't have a spare key...so we called in the lock smith! 11.200 yen to make a spare key, and then only to find out that the keys were not in the bike! After that I went through everything once again, and by sheer luck I happened to look in the trash can on the second floor. And that is where I found my keys...I have no clue how they ended up there but I am glad to have found them!

昨日夜仕事が終わって、帰りたいと思ったときでした。バイクの鍵は無いって!どこ探しても出て来ないです、ともしかしてバイクの中に閉まったんじゃないでしょう!KoichiはジムでWhite Collar boxerとパーソナルをやっていたので、彼のバイクを借りて家まで来て合鍵を探しましたけど。合鍵はないです!絶対にあると思ったけど無かったみたいです。。。悲しい。ジムにもどって鍵屋さんを呼んで鍵を作ってもらうことにしました。そしたら、バイクの中には無かったです。。。事務所の中で何回探しても無かったのですが、二階のグミ箱を見たら、何とか鍵はありました!何で?何でゴミ箱の中に入っていたのか分からないですけど、あってよかったです。これは英語という残念!Bummerでした。。。