Yesterday I took the bike out to Chigasaki and took part in the "Eboshi no Kokoro" event. It was a nice ride out there and I was glad that I took the bike, but then when I got there it was so hot that I had to go and buy a pair of shorts. Luckily it is a good surf spot so there was a nice shop that gave me a good discount, and I walked away a happy man. But apart from that I still managed to put in some good training yesterday, and then don't forget that this Friday is the SMOKERS PARTY !
昨日はバイクで茅ヶ崎まで行きました、”バイク王”presents,"えぼしの心”って言う海をきれいにというテーマのイベントです。昨年もやりました、で今年もどんどん盛り上がりました。来年は花火大会までやりたいと言っています、今年は茅ヶ崎のおみこし祭りと絡んで海を楽しくやりました。帰りはバイクでよかったな~と思って理由はなんと高速は11キロの渋滞でした!ま、それよりも今週金曜日19:30~SMOKERS PARTYをまたやりますのでチケットは後ちょっとしか残っていないですので生きたい方は早めにお買い上げくださいますように!