Yesterday it was my second daughters birthday, so we all went out to dinner and then the movies. It was a good evening and although they almost didn't let us in the movie theatre, everything turned out good and we had a great time! I loved the movie, it was all a Indy Jones movie should be. I know that I was going to write a thing about Alex Bennet, but something keeps coming up, I will get around to it soon. Sorry about that Alex! Anyway tomorrow the next Pettas is going to have his debut fight in Sendai, so I will be making my way up there tomorrow.

昨日は二番目の娘の誕生日でした、食事に行って映画館でインディー4を見に行きました。あれはレイトナイトショーだと子供は入れないですね!映画は本当に最高でした、僕はすごくよかったです。本当は昨日のBlogはAlex Bennetさんの話をしたかったけど、バイクの鍵で頭は混乱しちゃった。それで、明日は仙台限定の次のぺタスは試合しますので明日は仙台まで行きます。明後日は、毎年海の日にやる”えぼしの心”っていうイベントに顔出します。いろいろと忙しいですけど何よりも最近の暑い日が続いているのは辛いです。