Monday night was the last night that "CHANGE" aired and they had prepared a special one take, one cut, scene of 22min. with Kimura Takuya as the Prime Minister of Japan. In about 60 years of making TV in Japan, this was the longest one cut, one take scene ever done. But the amazing thing about the scene is not that he had all his lines down, but that he acted the scene to it's fullest. He cried at the right time and he truly conveyed a young frustrated Prime Minister! I acted along side him for the better part of 3 days in a Studio, and although we only had our lines and faces to work with. I still feel that our interacting came alive, it was an honor to meet up with everyone again last night. We had the Crank Up Party and everyone was able to life the veil of their true feelings, which where all in the same lines of true happiness. Although my part was small, it was still important and it did leave a noticeable impression. I am seriously going to try and get more work like this, because acting has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. And now that I finally am in a position to be able to do this kind of work, I want to really explore it.