Saturday, May 31, 2008
毎週金・土・日 (4回上映)
1. 14:00~
2. 16:00~
3. 18:00~
4. 20:00~
From Karate to Kickboxing !
Friday, May 30, 2008
1. 上訴を認容する。申立人に対して相手方が2007年5月10日に科した6試合
2.1 本仲裁の費用は相手方がこれを負担する。その額はCAS Court Office
2.2 相手方は、申立人が本仲裁手続きに関して負担した弁護士費用その他の
2.3 相手方は、その費用は自己負担とする。
Made at Lausanne, 26 May 2008
1. 上訴を認容する。申立人に対して相手方が2007年5月10日に科した6試合
2.1 本仲裁の費用は相手方がこれを負担する。その額はCAS Court Office
2.2 相手方は、申立人が本仲裁手続きに関して負担した弁護士費用その他の
2.3 相手方は、その費用は自己負担とする。
Made at Lausanne, 26 May 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hamaguri 蛤?
ちょっと、こんなに大きい蛤って見たことある?僕は天ぷらやさんに行ったら、お客さん今日のおすすめですが、いかがですか?を聞かれたけど。。。あれは何ですか?それで蛤と言われました。僕は信じられなかったけど、であがったものを食べたときに本当に蛤でした。蛤はうちでBBQをやるとき必ずよいするけど、今まで食べた蛤はそんなに大きくないです。友人につれっててもらった店でしたので、今まで食べたことなかったものたくさん出ました。久しぶりにおいしいものを食べました。 This is a picture of the Hamaguri I had for dinner, it was at a Tenpura
restaurant. But normally the Hamaguri are not that big, they are a lot smaller. I have never seen them that big, so when the chef brought them over and asked if we were interested in trying them. I was like???What are they? And when he said Hamaguri, I couldn't believe it. So I had him prepare them, and true enough they were Hamaguri. Nice!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We worked from early in the morning til late in the evening. I loved every moment of it, and can't wait for my next job. I actually think that this was my hardest part so far, because most of all the acting involved was done sitting down in seiza(legs folded under yourself). So there was not much you could do but use your lines and face expressions. It was hard sitting on the floor for more than 12 hours straight, and rehearsing and rehearsing and then rehearsing again. We would do the run through and then they would set up all the lights etc. And while they were doing that, we would just sit there and quietly go through the whole thing again and again. It was good to work with such professional people, I learned a lot from just being on the set. We tried the lines in different tempo's and with different variations, always searching for the best way to present the material. When it was all over I left with a true feeling of having told a story, which is what movies and TV are really about. It is all about telling a story, and this way of telling it is really fun. It will be aired on Monday the 9th. at 21:00 on Channel 8 Fuji TV.
朝から晩までスタジオに入って、昼と夜の食事の時間だけには休憩を取りました。朝からあのテンションで晩まで続くのは大変なことですが、お互いに負けないこころで演技に全身で飛び込んで一所懸命一番いい演技をができるように頑張りました。僕はまだまだ一番下だったけど、皆さんから力をもらいながら僕もパフォーマンスアップできたと思う。よくセインさんにアドバイスをもらったりして、それを参考に演技のテンポを変えたりしました。もちろん監督からの注文は一番多かったけど、自分はハリー役にまかされていたのでハリーだったらこう言うんじゃないかと思いながら頑張ってみました。僕は最初から最後まで楽しかったです、終わったときは泣きそうになった。もう終わりですか?を聞くと、そうですね。。。次回あればいいですね?僕は昔から役者になりたかったですので、毎回こういう仕事が決まるとわくわくしています。放送は6月9日CX21:00~です、Don't miss it!
朝から晩までスタジオに入って、昼と夜の食事の時間だけには休憩を取りました。朝からあのテンションで晩まで続くのは大変なことですが、お互いに負けないこころで演技に全身で飛び込んで一所懸命一番いい演技をができるように頑張りました。僕はまだまだ一番下だったけど、皆さんから力をもらいながら僕もパフォーマンスアップできたと思う。よくセインさんにアドバイスをもらったりして、それを参考に演技のテンポを変えたりしました。もちろん監督からの注文は一番多かったけど、自分はハリー役にまかされていたのでハリーだったらこう言うんじゃないかと思いながら頑張ってみました。僕は最初から最後まで楽しかったです、終わったときは泣きそうになった。もう終わりですか?を聞くと、そうですね。。。次回あればいいですね?僕は昔から役者になりたかったですので、毎回こういう仕事が決まるとわくわくしています。放送は6月9日CX21:00~です、Don't miss it!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Since the morning of the SMOKERS event I have been shooting on a TV drama, called "CHANGE". It features Kimura Takuya in the main role, and lot's of other really good Japanese actors. I was cast for it resently, so I didn't have much time to prepare for it, but I rose to the occasion and had a lot of fun acting it all out. We just finished last night on the episode that I was in, and although it was really long working hours. I am already sad that it is all over...I will tell you more about it later on, but for now know that it will air on the 9th. of June.
Photo by Kent Dahl
Photo by Kent Dahl
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Smoker's Party !
無事にイベントは終わりました、皆さんのおかげで楽しいイベントは出来たと思います。僕は相変わらず熱くなりすぎて、申し訳ありません。Team Nittaは2勝Team Spiritは1勝、結果は負けましたがお客さんのハートをつかんだのはうちだと思います。最後にKoichiのK.O.勝ちは気持ちよかったです、アメリカン サンダーは鼻が折れて可愛いそうでした。次回は7月でやりたいと思っていますので、早めにチケットを買うようにお願いします。今回はせっかく足を運んでもらったのに、売り切れで入ることが出来なかったお客さんは本当に申し訳ありませんでした。
I would like to say thank you all for coming and making it such an exiting event. I actually had a good time, apart from the fact that 2 of my fighters lost. I thought it went quite well, everyone seemed to be having a good time and the fights were all very exiting. I was happy to see that Bob Sapp came over and made a guest appearance, and all the other fighters that showed up. It was a lot of hard work, but mostly everyone helped out where they could. We are already planning the next event, which will be on in the end of July. If you are interested in coming again, or if you didn't make it this time. Then make sure to check for updates, tickets are sold out fast and first comes first get's. photo by Kent Dahl
I would like to say thank you all for coming and making it such an exiting event. I actually had a good time, apart from the fact that 2 of my fighters lost. I thought it went quite well, everyone seemed to be having a good time and the fights were all very exiting. I was happy to see that Bob Sapp came over and made a guest appearance, and all the other fighters that showed up. It was a lot of hard work, but mostly everyone helped out where they could. We are already planning the next event, which will be on in the end of July. If you are interested in coming again, or if you didn't make it this time. Then make sure to check for updates, tickets are sold out fast and first comes first get's. photo by Kent Dahl
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What a nice day!
I was up really early today, 6:00 AM in the shower then I had breakfast and off to the set. Yep, I am playing Harry Bingham in a Golden Time On-Air drama called, "Change". It features Kimura Takuya from the SMAP, he is a super star in Japan. And I am playing a his counter part role in part 5 of the drama. Harry Bingham is a foreign minister sent to Japan to try and force the new Prime Minister(Kimura Takuya) into buying more American products. Ofcourse I end up not winning the debate and eventually head back home, but it is a really big role. I just got back and then I hit the gym, gotta stay fit for the next fight. Which by the looks of it could be any time next year...or maybe this year? Then tonight it is the SMOKERS, all tickets are sold out and I am sure we are going to have a great time. Koichi Pettas will have the last fight of the evening, and I hope that he does well. We have all trained so hard lately, like I am sure Nitta's team has too.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
おかげさまでチケットは全部売切れてしまいました!本当にありがとうございます、今回は試合を盛り上げて皆さんと楽しい時間を過ごしたいです。今回チケッチ買えなかったお客さんには申し訳ありません、次回は7月にやる予定していますので早めにチケットを買い上げっていただければと思います。よろしくお願いします!So we have just sold out the last tickets, and I would like to thank each and everyone of you for buying a ticket. ANd to the people that were not able to get one this time, I apoligise most sincerely. However, we are planning on another show in the end of July, so keep checking our website for updates and try to buy a ticket early on. For those of you that are coming, I am sure we are going to have a good time so let's party!
Monday, May 19, 2008
More Car shots
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tokyo Custom Car Show ! OFFICE K
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Karate Belt Test ! 空手のテスト!
土曜日の20:00~スタートしました、今年の初審査を行ないました。メンバーは少ないですが、内情は熱いです。2時間をかけて一通りをやりました、みんな一緒懸命頑ばったと思います。A.E.Factoryでは初めてそこまで気合が入りました、周りの家は多分びっくりしました!でもそれは空手の精神です。:)今年の初めての審査とはいえ、よく考えると2年以上審査やっていないかも?最近は原宿GOLD’S GYMに移ってからみんな真面目に来るようになり、新しく入った生徒もいるのでこのタイミングで審査をやりたいと思った。原宿のジムはせまいと思ったら、昨日Factoryでやらせてみましたら本当にせまいのか分かりました。ま、夢をくれるんです、大きいな道場を作ってたくさんの生徒に囲まれて、気合を汗で元気になる!みんなが頑張っているように僕も頑張らないといけないと思いました。
Last night we had our first belt test for the Spirit Gym, in probable more than 2 years! It has been a very eventful 2 years, but mostly we have had to move the Dojo several times. And each time we have had to move, we have both lost and gained students. But since we have moved into the Harajuku GOLD'S GYM, we have had a good turn up each class. And for the students that have not been able to test for so long and the new members, it was time for a test. So we held the first official Karate test, at the A.E.Factory on the second floor. Until now I thought that the Martial Arts space in GOLD'S, was a bit small but that was nothing compared to how tight it was in the Factory last night. I guess it gives me something to dream about, one day having a gym to the size I would like. Standing in the middle of 50 students and sweating to the sound of everyone's Kiai! Like Elvis sang in the song "If I can Dream", then I might as well dream of everything I want. my dream Dojo/Gym would be like this. A huge compound with outside tracks, indoor pool, weights for both fitness and power lifting, playing courts for various sports like tennis, badminton etc. and then the actual Dojo area, it would have it's own entrance so that students would not have to mingle with others, parking would be in the basement of the compound. And then there would be a kinder garden/daycare center where Mothers or Farthers could let their kids play for a couple of hours while working out. We would have special Martial Arts courses for parents and kids together, the Professional fighters would be living in the special dorm facility. And every last Friday of the month, we would hold a big fight show in the miniature Colosseum at the center of the whole compound. This would seat 2000 people and have a huge VIP section on the second floor looking down upon the ring in the center. This ring would be hidden during non events times, so that the hall may be lent out for other purposes. There would be restaurants serving only the best foods, and people would come from all over the world. Diet course get ready for a movie shoot course, get ready for a super fight or whatever your heart desires. In the evening one could hang out at the pool tables or in the game center or even go to the movies...If I could dream, I might as well dream of a better place where all my brothers walk hand in hand...The King lives!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pettas in DENTSU !
For those of you who don't know what DENTSU is, then let me just say that this is the, THE BIGGEST advertising company in Japan. It basically runs the industry, if you have a company and want to put a commercial on TV, then you go to these guys. They basically do anything and everything in the entertainment industry. Well, yesterday I was called in for a lunch and it turned out to be with 60 new staff members. They had even made a introduction video ready for me, and I tell you they were really exited! I sat down and talked to them for about an hour or so, and then we all had lunch together. It was nice to see young people so exited about their new jobs, and just ready to take on the world. I was asked many personal questions, but they were not embaressing to answer because everyone was very sincere.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Who is late ?
So I call him up, I make sure we are on time, I let him know before hand what time I will be there. And then he still manages to have me wait in the car for about 20 min. Dude I thought we were friends, but look at this face? ”Who is late?” is all he says...hehehe, how can you deny that???それでホテルに行く時間を前もって伝えました、着く5分前に電話を入れたし、下についたよ!っていう連絡も入れました、それでも20分を待たせられました!車に乗って”誰が遅れたんだよ?”であの顔でしょう???どうしょうもないな~ハハハ:)
ついに発見!!!I actually found this on the street!
It is the new Honda DN-01, just came out on the market about a month ago or so. I saw this bike last year at the motor show as a concept bike, but now they have made 3000 of them and they are on the market! This 680cc. two types of automatic and manual drive optional, goes for about 12.000U$. I want it! It is too cool !
なんとこの前品川に行ったときに、僕はバイクを止めたとなりのバイクはこれでした。HONDAのDN-01まだ販売初めて一ヶ月しかたっていない。。。これはかっこいいです!去年このバイクをコンセップトバイクとして東京モーターショーでHONDAのスタンドに見たけど、本当に売ると思っていなかったです!思わず写真をとりました、乗ってみたい、いじりたい、カスタムしたいな~これはちょっと高いけど、目指すものが出たので今年は面白くなった。それと、SMOKERS PARTYのVIP席は全部売切れてしまった、あとはスタンヂングだけです、早いもの勝ち。DON'T MISS IT !
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
春のスープ! Spring Soup !
It is the name of my latest movie project, it is a movie about blind people's struggles in the world today. And everyone is working as volunteers, I was cast as the coach for the Blind Kids Baseball team. As you can see some of the guys I was working with are blind. It is quite an interesting game they play, although it was my first time to experience it. I soon found myself caught up in the game, I mean you literally cannot cheer anyone on until it has been called. Safe, Strike or Out, then you get your chance to cheer, until then the players do it all by ear. They have to hear where the ball is and they have to hear where they have to run to, by the clapping hands of the sub coaches. Anyway, it was really good to help them get motivated, they all loved the attention and everyone was touching each other. They were really quite amazing people, I am looking forward to meeting them all again at the opening of the movie. 。
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tickets for the Smoker's Party can be bought at this link, if you have time and interest then please come.
Tickets for the Smoker's Party can be bought at this link, if you have time and interest then please come.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
川崎フロンターレ・ドーピング事件を検証して日本に正しいアンチドーピングが実現することを願うホームページ を紹介します
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Myanmar cyclone !
I mean here I am telling you all about the spicy Ramen I had the other day...When in Myanmar a cyclone has struck, and more than 22.000 people have perished! This is a picture of the famous Pagoda in Rangoon, the capital of Myanmar. I have been there, I have walked the temple and swept the the temple clean together with the locals, while they tried teaching me their language. It was such a pure experience to meet the people of Myanmar, that the trip will always stand out in my mind. I hope that the people I know there are safe, and if they are not then may they rest in peace.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
池袋にある中本ラーメンは昔からしている、だけど辛くって食べたことなかったです。それで、昨日は買い物に行こうと思って車で出かけました。たまたまお腹が減っていた、たまたま中本新宿店を通ったら、迷わずに車を止めて入ってみました。そして、壁に昨年Mr.Bikeの表紙になったときの写真を発見、そうだ店主もバイク好きです!同じ雑誌に載っていました。ま~それは別にどうでもいい話ですが、ラーメンは辛かったけど美味しいです。真冬か真夏は一番美味しく食べられるんじゃないですか?辛いもの好きなら一度食べてみてください。So I was about to go shopping, I mean it is not the Golden Week for nothing, and since we are having a couple of days off. I wanted to take advantage of it. So it just happened that I was getting really hungry, when I got in my car, and it just happened that I drove past this Ramen shop called Nakamoto in Shinjuku. So without even thinking about it, I pulled over and lined up for the most spicy Ramen I have ever had. I mean look at the photo! it is red,RED REALLY RED AND HOT. But after getting over the initial hotness, my hunger got the better of me and I finished the whole thing. I also realized that I had been in a magazine with the owner of the Ramen shop, so it was kind of funny to be checking out his place.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Kashima Shrine
We were in Kashima and after the game had finished, we ended up just driving a bit around in the car. And then it said Kashima shrine, having rained all night and most of the morning, the whole area was all clouded and foggy. Kind of giving of a eerie feeling like something out of the Lord of the Rings, so I drove up the back way taking advantage of the 4 wheel drive, and we made our way into the temple grounds. It was really beautiful and kind of fantasy like, so we took a bunch of shots and then on the way back to the car we found a bamboo shot! And they are so sweet and good for you, that all you need to do is dig it out of the ground and then you can virtually just chop it up and eat it. I am looking forward to the soup we are going to make on in today. At the Kashima shrine they also had a Dojo for Kyu-Do, the art of shooting with an arrow. And we sort of snook in and stole a look at the old guys standing there shooting at targets. The bows are huge, and they need all their strength to just pull the arrow and cock it. But by the time it flies it goes in a straight line to the target.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Pretty sick ! かなり変体です!
I know that joke from yesterday can be taken the wrong way, but it is all good 'cause I knew straight away that it was a joke. It seriously freaked out my friend in the States, and that is when I realized how bad and sick the joke is. I mean my friend actually called the Miami Police to check up on the story, to see if they were any clues. But it was soon confirmed that it was prank, I am sorry for the trouble it has caused for some people out there. And would like to say to Bob Sapp officially here that although I thought it was hilarious, other people thought it was sick! Thanks for the scare...but look out for what is coming to bite you in the ass, I will get you when you least expect it. :)
Here is a shot of Dad on the subway, it was quite an experience for him to come over here and see Tokyo at such first hand. We have had a good fun time, and it is going to be a bit sad when he leaves tomorrow. Today we are going out to watch the JEF United, and that should put us all in the right mood for a good evening at the Hot Springs! Oh, and then we had Ramen last night.
そうですね、昨日の冗談はかなりきついかも!これで笑える人と笑えない人ではっきり分かれるんです。僕はかなり楽しかったです、でもそれはすぐにうそだとわかちゃったから。かなりリアルで最初はナにこれと思ったけど、そんなありえないって!だって自分はマイアミにいったことないし、最後のヒントでA.E.FactoryのBlue Eyed Samuraiで書いた紙が出てきたときに大笑いです、そんな、殺し屋は会社名入れるか?ハハハ!ボブよ、いつかは返してやるは。。。お父さんの地下電車に乗った写真です、今回は僕と毎日どこかに行って誰かとあって、かなりハードなスケジュールでした。明日はもう帰ってしまうので寂しくなると思うけど、こうやって一回くればまた来るでしょう?今日はJEF UNITEDの試合を見に行くそしてそのまま温泉に入ります。。。ちょっと今日に天気は良くないけど、こういうときの温泉は気持ちいいです。あ~そうだ!昨日は大好きなラーメンに行きました、中目黒、ぱいめんって言う店しょゆうとんこつで僕の一番好きなラーメン屋です。
Here is a shot of Dad on the subway, it was quite an experience for him to come over here and see Tokyo at such first hand. We have had a good fun time, and it is going to be a bit sad when he leaves tomorrow. Today we are going out to watch the JEF United, and that should put us all in the right mood for a good evening at the Hot Springs! Oh, and then we had Ramen last night.
そうですね、昨日の冗談はかなりきついかも!これで笑える人と笑えない人ではっきり分かれるんです。僕はかなり楽しかったです、でもそれはすぐにうそだとわかちゃったから。かなりリアルで最初はナにこれと思ったけど、そんなありえないって!だって自分はマイアミにいったことないし、最後のヒントでA.E.FactoryのBlue Eyed Samuraiで書いた紙が出てきたときに大笑いです、そんな、殺し屋は会社名入れるか?ハハハ!ボブよ、いつかは返してやるは。。。お父さんの地下電車に乗った写真です、今回は僕と毎日どこかに行って誰かとあって、かなりハードなスケジュールでした。明日はもう帰ってしまうので寂しくなると思うけど、こうやって一回くればまた来るでしょう?今日はJEF UNITEDの試合を見に行くそしてそのまま温泉に入ります。。。ちょっと今日に天気は良くないけど、こういうときの温泉は気持ちいいです。あ~そうだ!昨日は大好きなラーメンに行きました、中目黒、ぱいめんって言う店しょゆうとんこつで僕の一番好きなラーメン屋です。
Thursday, May 1, 2008
This is a joke ! これは冗談です !
Check this sick joke out !
Check this sick joke out !
Ueno Market
So my Dad wanted to go out to Ochanomizu to check out the guitar shops, and I took the opportunity to swing by Ueno and had myself something to eat. In Ueno it is like a whole section of no cars allowed pure shopping heaven. Things are cheap and people are friendly, I got myself a bowl of Salmon and Roe. Really yummy at 5 $ it is as cheap as it get's in Japan. And I got back just in time to pick up my Dad!
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