
We were in Kashima and after the game had finished, we ended up just driving a bit around in the car. And then it said Kashima shrine, having rained all night and most of the morning, the whole area was all clouded and foggy. Kind of giving of a eerie feeling like something out of the Lord of the Rings, so I drove up the back way taking advantage of the 4 wheel drive, and we made our way into the temple grounds. It was really beautiful and kind of fantasy like, so we took a bunch of shots and then on the way back to the car we found a bamboo shot! And they are so sweet and good for you, that all you need to do is dig it out of the ground and then you can virtually just chop it up and eat it. I am looking forward to the soup we are going to make on in today. At the Kashima shrine they also had a Dojo for Kyu-Do, the art of shooting with an arrow. And we sort of snook in and stole a look at the old guys standing there shooting at targets. The bows are huge, and they need all their strength to just pull the arrow and cock it. But by the time it flies it goes in a straight line to the target.