I know that joke from yesterday can be taken the wrong way, but it is all good 'cause I knew straight away that it was a joke. It seriously freaked out my friend in the States, and that is when I realized how bad and sick the joke is. I mean my friend actually called the Miami Police to check up on the story, to see if they were any clues. But it was soon confirmed that it was prank, I am sorry for the trouble it has caused for some people out there. And would like to say to Bob Sapp officially here that although I thought it was hilarious, other people thought it was sick! Thanks for the scare...but look out for what is coming to bite you in the ass, I will get you when you least expect it. :)
Here is a shot of Dad on the subway, it was quite an experience for him to come over here and see Tokyo at such first hand. We have had a good fun time, and it is going to be a bit sad when he leaves tomorrow. Today we are going out to watch the JEF United, and that should put us all in the right mood for a good evening at the Hot Springs! Oh, and then we had Ramen last night.
そうですね、昨日の冗談はかなりきついかも!これで笑える人と笑えない人ではっきり分かれるんです。僕はかなり楽しかったです、でもそれはすぐにうそだとわかちゃったから。かなりリアルで最初はナにこれと思ったけど、そんなありえないって!だって自分はマイアミにいったことないし、最後のヒントでA.E.FactoryのBlue Eyed Samuraiで書いた紙が出てきたときに大笑いです、そんな、殺し屋は会社名入れるか?ハハハ!ボブよ、いつかは返してやるは。。。お父さんの地下電車に乗った写真です、今回は僕と毎日どこかに行って誰かとあって、かなりハードなスケジュールでした。明日はもう帰ってしまうので寂しくなると思うけど、こうやって一回くればまた来るでしょう?今日はJEF UNITEDの試合を見に行くそしてそのまま温泉に入ります。。。ちょっと今日に天気は良くないけど、こういうときの温泉は気持ちいいです。あ~そうだ!昨日は大好きなラーメンに行きました、中目黒、ぱいめんって言う店しょゆうとんこつで僕の一番好きなラーメン屋です。