土曜日の20:00~スタートしました、今年の初審査を行ないました。メンバーは少ないですが、内情は熱いです。2時間をかけて一通りをやりました、みんな一緒懸命頑ばったと思います。A.E.Factoryでは初めてそこまで気合が入りました、周りの家は多分びっくりしました!でもそれは空手の精神です。:)今年の初めての審査とはいえ、よく考えると2年以上審査やっていないかも?最近は原宿GOLD’S GYMに移ってからみんな真面目に来るようになり、新しく入った生徒もいるのでこのタイミングで審査をやりたいと思った。原宿のジムはせまいと思ったら、昨日Factoryでやらせてみましたら本当にせまいのか分かりました。ま、夢をくれるんです、大きいな道場を作ってたくさんの生徒に囲まれて、気合を汗で元気になる!みんなが頑張っているように僕も頑張らないといけないと思いました。

Last night we had our first belt test for the Spirit Gym, in probable more than 2 years! It has been a very eventful 2 years, but mostly we have had to move the Dojo several times. And each time we have had to move, we have both lost and gained students. But since we have moved into the Harajuku GOLD'S GYM, we have had a good turn up each class. And for the students that have not been able to test for so long and the new members, it was time for a test. So we held the first official Karate test, at the A.E.Factory on the second floor. Until now I thought that the Martial Arts space in GOLD'S, was a bit small but that was nothing compared to how tight it was in the Factory last night. I guess it gives me something to dream about, one day having a gym to the size I would like. Standing in the middle of 50 students and sweating to the sound of everyone's Kiai! Like Elvis sang in the song "If I can Dream", then I might as well dream of everything I want. my dream Dojo/Gym would be like this. A huge compound with outside tracks, indoor pool, weights for both fitness and power lifting, playing courts for various sports like tennis, badminton etc. and then the actual Dojo area, it would have it's own entrance so that students would not have to mingle with others, parking would be in the basement of the compound. And then there would be a kinder garden/daycare center where Mothers or Farthers could let their kids play for a couple of hours while working out. We would have special Martial Arts courses for parents and kids together, the Professional fighters would be living in the special dorm facility. And every last Friday of the month, we would hold a big fight show in the miniature Colosseum at the center of the whole compound. This would seat 2000 people and have a huge VIP section on the second floor looking down upon the ring in the center. This ring would be hidden during non events times, so that the hall may be lent out for other purposes. There would be restaurants serving only the best foods, and people would come from all over the world. Diet course get ready for a movie shoot course, get ready for a super fight or whatever your heart desires. In the evening one could hang out at the pool tables or in the game center or even go to the movies...If I could dream, I might as well dream of a better place where all my brothers walk hand in hand...The King lives!