We worked from early in the morning til late in the evening. I loved every moment of it, and can't wait for my next job. I actually think that this was my hardest part so far, because most of all the acting involved was done sitting down in seiza(legs folded under yourself). So there was not much you could do but use your lines and face expressions. It was hard sitting on the floor for more than 12 hours straight, and rehearsing and rehearsing and then rehearsing again. We would do the run through and then they would set up all the lights etc. And while they were doing that, we would just sit there and quietly go through the whole thing again and again. It was good to work with such professional people, I learned a lot from just being on the set. We tried the lines in different tempo's and with different variations, always searching for the best way to present the material. When it was all over I left with a true feeling of having told a story, which is what movies and TV are really about. It is all about telling a story, and this way of telling it is really fun. It will be aired on Monday the 9th. at 21:00 on Channel 8 Fuji TV.
朝から晩までスタジオに入って、昼と夜の食事の時間だけには休憩を取りました。朝からあのテンションで晩まで続くのは大変なことですが、お互いに負けないこころで演技に全身で飛び込んで一所懸命一番いい演技をができるように頑張りました。僕はまだまだ一番下だったけど、皆さんから力をもらいながら僕もパフォーマンスアップできたと思う。よくセインさんにアドバイスをもらったりして、それを参考に演技のテンポを変えたりしました。もちろん監督からの注文は一番多かったけど、自分はハリー役にまかされていたのでハリーだったらこう言うんじゃないかと思いながら頑張ってみました。僕は最初から最後まで楽しかったです、終わったときは泣きそうになった。もう終わりですか?を聞くと、そうですね。。。次回あればいいですね?僕は昔から役者になりたかったですので、毎回こういう仕事が決まるとわくわくしています。放送は6月9日CX21:00~です、Don't miss it!