Wednesday, December 28, 2005
最後の稽古です!Last training of the year!
It's the last day of the year, so we all got together for the final cleaning of the gym. We started at 13:00 and just finished now(18:01 o'clock) It was a long year full of so many ups and downs, but looking back upon the year, I feel that we all came out on top. I would like to whish you all the best in the year to come, and say well done to everybody. See you in the next year!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Santa Claus is coming to Town!
It was a cold night and we were having a X-mas party at my house, when suddenly I remembered that I had left some really important papers in the gym! I had to go and get them...There was no other way. So I told my kids to wait for me. And then when I got back a half hour later, all my girls where so exited! Santa had just shown up and given everybody a whole bunch of cool stuff...I can't believe that I actually missed him again this year!!! It was the same thing last year, I had to run down to the store to get some milk for the coffee and at exactly that time Santa had shown up. When I asked the kids why he didn't wait around for me, they said that is because I stay up too late and watch too much TV. So next year I am gonna try and go to bed a bit earlier, so that I can meet Santa.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
X-マスはもうすぐです。 It's almost X-mas
僕はX-マスは本当は好きですけど、今年の12月は今までの12月と違って本当にいろいろがあって,あっという間にもう22日になりました。もうあさってじゃないですか!まだプレゼントを考えてないです。。。そういえば何となく毎年そういうばたばたする時期だな~と思い出しました。えらない物を買っても嬉しくないし、それに自分は本当に何が欲しい?ジムでも忙しいし、やっぱりただ単純に美味しい食事を家族と友達で食べて子供と遊べばいいかなーと思います。楽しんでればなんでも大丈夫だよ!Merry X-mas Everybody!
I always liked X-mas, I mean who doesn't everyone get's presents and you get to eat all the great foods with the best people in the whole world, your family. I actually have to teach a class of kickboxing this year because there is no one that can fill in for me, this is something I have not done in a very long time. But you know it's like I just didn't have enough time this year, I can't beleive that it's already the day after tomorrow. I still haven't found out what I am getting my wife, I really don't whish for anything more than a great dinner with my family and some friends. I hope this year is gonna be as fun as the other years. Anyway, Merry X-mas everybody.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
More parties! また忘年会だ~!S'Factory!
またも忘年会に行きました!僕の友人ヒロさんはS'factoryって言うレザー アンド シルバーの店と長い付き合いがありまして、僕は今年の秋に紹介してもらいました。陣内社長は本当にいい人で僕と同じ風に国際結婚をしていまして、初対面から仲良くなりました。この間は昼過ぎから忘年会に参加しました、家族をつれて店のほうに行きまして美味しいタイ料理を食べながらビールとバイクの話で盛り上がりました。誘ってくれてありがとうございます、陣内さんこれを見てくれると思っているのでこの場を借りてお礼を申し上げたいです、今年はお疲れ様でした来年もよろしくお願いします!もし店は気になっているのであればぜひとも を選択してください! Don't Miss It!
Last weekend I dropped by S'factory for another end of the year party, a good friend of mine introduced me to the shop and it's owner Mr. Jinnai a couple of months ago. And since I really like the stuff the sell and the fact that Mr. Jinnai's wife is Thai, I found it that we both had a lot in common and we soon found a good realationship. Anyway, I brought the kids over to the shop and by the time we got there, the party was already in a good swing. There was great Thai food and beer and lot's of talk about silver, bikes, and leathers, so I had a great time and so did the kids. Anyway I thought I would say thank you to Mr. Jinnai and Hiro for inviting me to the party, and also whish you all a great new year. Let's keep in touch! If you were wondering what kind of stuff the sell then please don't hesitate to check out their website, Don't Miss It !
Monday, December 12, 2005
忘年会。。。End of the year parties...
Last week Bambinaccio had the hardest fight of his life yet, he went up against a Iranian fighter that we had no info on what so ever. The guy was built like a brick house and came out strong in the first round, Will never really got started when he suddenly was hit by a elbow across the temple! Wow, that hurt and he barely made it back up in the 8 count. After that he was in serious trouble and got dropped again! I was screaming for him to get back up and just wait for the bell, because although he was in trouble the other guy was running out of steam, and there would be a chance for redemtion in the second round. True enough, we made it to the second round and then it was all Bambinaccio's fight. Winning by K.O. I know I am a bit late with this info but I have been really busy going to different Bonen-Kai ( end of the year Party's) And this last Saturday, we had one for the gym! Bowling and BBQ. It was great getting together with everyone and just partying it up. I had a great time although I realised that I need to work on my bowling technique.
先週月曜日にBambinaccioは全日本キックで情報なしの無名なイラン人と試合することになりました。ピットブルな体系で見た瞬間”これはやばいでしょう!”って感じだったけど、スタミナはないでしょうと思いながら、1ラウンドはきついぞう!Willガード下げるなよ。1ラウンドでヒジで一回ダウンされてからまたもパンチでダウン!俺はおもいきり叫んでいました!”立つんだ!ジョー立つんだ~”って感じでした!さすがTeam Spirit!頑張ってくれました、2ラウンドはBambinaccioの一方的だった、K.O.勝ち!
この情報は一週間遅れている理由は忘年会にたくさん参加しました。。。それで土曜日にジムの忘年会がありまして、僕はひどいことされまして。。。何と2Ch. でその話題になっていてらしい!気をつけないといけないですね。
先週月曜日にBambinaccioは全日本キックで情報なしの無名なイラン人と試合することになりました。ピットブルな体系で見た瞬間”これはやばいでしょう!”って感じだったけど、スタミナはないでしょうと思いながら、1ラウンドはきついぞう!Willガード下げるなよ。1ラウンドでヒジで一回ダウンされてからまたもパンチでダウン!俺はおもいきり叫んでいました!”立つんだ!ジョー立つんだ~”って感じでした!さすがTeam Spirit!頑張ってくれました、2ラウンドはBambinaccioの一方的だった、K.O.勝ち!
この情報は一週間遅れている理由は忘年会にたくさん参加しました。。。それで土曜日にジムの忘年会がありまして、僕はひどいことされまして。。。何と2Ch. でその話題になっていてらしい!気をつけないといけないですね。
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Koichi Pettas コウイチ ペタス
Gold's Gym Omori, R.I.S.E. is the event that we are fighting in. It is Koichi's 4th. fight and until now he has had 3 wins with 2 K.O.'s, he is like my little brother and that's why when he had his first fight and we all sat around and talked about his ring name he asked me if he could do like the thai fighters do. They take the last name of their teacher into the ring out of respect and to honor the teacher for bringing the fighter up. I thought he was joking but he has now become known as Koichi Pettas in Japan, and he deserves it 100%. Yesterday's opponent was a fighter from a very good gym down in Fukuoka, called the REAL DEAL. They are famous for their light weight fighters, but this was the first Heavy weight fighter I had seen coming out of that gym. It was a really good fight, Koichi dropped him with left hook in the first minute. After that he rushed him but couldn't finish it, and then the other guy showed everyone that he was a REAL DEAL fighter, he turned the table on Koichi and rushed him right back. It startet looking bad, but Koichi is as tuff as they come and fought him hard back. During a clinch he hooked the other guys neck and gave him a knee in the face, after that the referee stepped in and stopped the fight. The other guy had a 3 cm. cut across his eye, and that was all he wrote that day. 1. round T.K.O. Winner Koichi Pettas. I was so proud of him and we all went out for Korean BBQ.
R.I.S.E. 大森Gold's Gym、メインイベントの前の試合です、コウイチ ぺタス の4試合目です。本人は冷静で落ち着いていたように見えたけど、やはり緊張感は隠せなくって非常にいい顔をしていた。相手のことはよくコンビネーションを出すって言う情報しかなかったので、いつもどうりでやるしかないでしょうとのアドバイスしました。試合が始まってまもなくコウイチのフックが入ってあいてダウン!その後は激しい打ち合いになり、コウイチはコーナーでせめられる場面はヒヤッとしました。そのあと画面にひざ蹴りが入りまして相手の右目上は深く切れてしまったためドクターストップでT.K.O.勝ちとなりました。これで無敗をまもれてしかもK.O.もうひとつ増えました。おめでとう!コウイチ君、お前は日本一目指せ、これからも頑張るんだよ! ニコラス
Saturday, November 26, 2005
ドラマの撮影です。 Shooting for a Tv Drama.
昨 日朝7:00時にバイクに乗って河口湖に向かいました、ドラマの撮影が入っていましたので僕はいい機会だと思ってドライブしました。しかし思ったよりも寒 かった。120KMしかなかったのですぐいけるんじゃないかって言う感覚で走り出した。しかし、山に行くほど寒くなっていた、着いたときは体はしば らく動かなかったけど何とか頑張ってメークをして本番に気合を入れて頑張りました、それよりも朝で河口湖を見た瞬間最高に感動しました。鏡みたいに静かで きれいだった、上の山や森はきれいに水面に映っていました。何枚かとって見たけど。。。どうか分かりますか携帯電話のカメラはあまりよくないでしょう?
I got up at 0600hours yesterday and got on my bike at 0700hours, and headed out for Kawaguchi Lake, located 120km from Tokyo. We were scheduled for a filming on a TV drama that I am appearing on as an assasin called Ganef? I am not quite sure what country I am supposed to be from, last week I kidnapped a little 10 year old girl as part of the act and yesterday I Knocked Out, and captured with a rope. Anyway, it was so cold driving down there that I thought of turning around,the only thing keeping me on the road was that I had to be on set by 0900hours in able to do my scenes. I made it and spent all day there, apart from the long working hours and the intial tiredness, it was all worth it just for the sight of the lake when I drove in the morning. The surface was blank as a mirror and the surrounding mountains were reflecting off the it as perfect image. I was impressed! I took a few pictures, but my camera on my telephone is not too good...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
空手は強い!I never lost faith in Karate
Last night Semmy Schilt won the K-1 final against Galube Feitosa, it was like a dream coming true, to see two of the strongest karate fighters in the world fighting for the K-1 championship. Semmy is an awesome fighter, his size and power is just overwhelming for all his opponents. I thought that the best two fights of the evening were Sefo Vs. Semmy and then Le Banner Vs. Aerts, it was a shame that both of them were not able to continue fighting after that fight. It just proves how hard the game is. I hope now that people will believe more in the karate spirit, that it has been proven that it truly is a strong art to follow. I was so exited all evening, although I was conducting a karate test in the gym at the same time the fights were going on, I hurried home and watched the final fight live on TV, and then I sat back and watched the rest that I had taped. Wow, is all I can say, I wonder what kind of fights we are going to see next year...I want to fight too.
やっ ぱり空手は強いです、昨日Semmy 選手はGlaubeに勝ってK-1チャンピョンになったことを考えると旨が熱くなります、夢の対決でした。空手家同士でK-1の決勝戦に上がって、最高に 面白い試合をしてくれました。昨日はいろんないい試合は見られましたが、Sefo Vs. Semmy は本当にすごかったです。何で倒れないんですか?武蔵は強かったのにダウンとられてから、飛び膝蹴り。。。痛いです。バンナ Vs. Aerts は本当の決勝ではないかと思いましたぐらいすごい試合でした。今回は空手の本当の強さははっきり証明されましたことによって、日本の空手魂は 世界に大きいな声がひびくんではないかと思う。すばらしいファイナルでした。来年はどんな一年間になるのかな~僕も戦いたいです。。。
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
It's a miracle! 本当にすごい話!
これはちょっと前の話になるんですが、我々はある試合にTeam Spiritのメンバーである会場に行っていたら。ジムの応援に足を運んでくださった家族がいまして、それで子供はうちのジムでずーとオーペン当時から通っている可愛い兄弟も会場に見に来ていました。それで試合をしばらく見ていたらお父さんが急にたおれました、今までなかったように急にたおれてびっくりしました。お母さんは冷静に救急車を呼んでいました、僕は何もできなかったけど手を持ってて子供の顔を見ながらお父さんはすぐ元気になるよって!子供たちはよく何があったのか分からないから救急車が来るまでゲームをやったりして遊んでいました。会場に来ていたお医者さんが来てくれて、話をしてくれましたのでよけいに心配になりました。脳の内出血をしたかのせいがあるって、よくなれば普通の生活に戻れるんですけど最悪のケースでは体が麻痺したままでこれから生活しなきゃいけないです!!!それがですねこの間ジムに顔を出してくれました、お父さんは何と普通に歩いていました。本当に元気になった。自分は心より感動しました、お父さんよく頑張りました!お疲れ様でした、これから体を気をつけてください。
We were all out at a tournament a while back, and all the boys from Team Spirit where busy getting the young fighters ready for their fights. When the Farther of one of the family's that has been training in Spirit Gym since the opening, suddenly fell over and couldn't move the whole left side of his body!!! I didn't know what to do since I am not a Doctor, so I sent for the Doctor present at the tournament. She came over quickly and asserted the situation, at first we were not sure how serious it was, but she told us that judging from the body's reaction and considering the facts of not taking the anti high blood pressure medicine, that he might have suffered a burst blood vessel in the brain. It sounded scary and it is not something to be joking around about, worst case of senario one can die from the internal bleedings. But depending on how it occurred and how bad it is there is also a possibility of a full recover. Anyway, we got him sent out to the hospital straight away, and then I didn't see him for a while. I asked if I could go and pay a visit but his wife told me that he didn't wanted to be visited at this time. Another few weeks went by and then one day the whole family showed up, he was walking finely and looked quite healthy. I must say that I was truly happy to see him back on his feet again, it was a close call but now that he is doing better. I whish him all the best. Well done Mate.
We were all out at a tournament a while back, and all the boys from Team Spirit where busy getting the young fighters ready for their fights. When the Farther of one of the family's that has been training in Spirit Gym since the opening, suddenly fell over and couldn't move the whole left side of his body!!! I didn't know what to do since I am not a Doctor, so I sent for the Doctor present at the tournament. She came over quickly and asserted the situation, at first we were not sure how serious it was, but she told us that judging from the body's reaction and considering the facts of not taking the anti high blood pressure medicine, that he might have suffered a burst blood vessel in the brain. It sounded scary and it is not something to be joking around about, worst case of senario one can die from the internal bleedings. But depending on how it occurred and how bad it is there is also a possibility of a full recover. Anyway, we got him sent out to the hospital straight away, and then I didn't see him for a while. I asked if I could go and pay a visit but his wife told me that he didn't wanted to be visited at this time. Another few weeks went by and then one day the whole family showed up, he was walking finely and looked quite healthy. I must say that I was truly happy to see him back on his feet again, it was a close call but now that he is doing better. I whish him all the best. Well done Mate.
Sunday, November 6, 2005
Will "Bambinaccio" Riva Champion!
We won! It was a great fight, 3 rounds of hard fighting. Both guys were showing intense desire to win and good techinique. Will looked really calm and stuck to the plan no matter what came at him and in the 3rd. round he just went for it and never stopped until it was all over.
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
It's so fun ! 楽しいです!
新しいホームページを開くたびに楽しくってしょうがないです、最近はいろんなことで忙しいですけどパソコンの前に座ると、インターネットEXPLORERを開くと自分のハイキックが飛んできます!いやいや、子供みたいですけど、何か本当に楽しいです。皆さんは試合はどうだったとか?気になると思うんですが、僕はもう次の目標に向かって頑張っています。ちなみに今週の土曜日にうちのWill ”I'l BAMBINACCIO" Riva選手は試合をすることになりましたので神奈川のほうにいきます。頑張って欲しいですね、相手はすごい強いらしい。僕は見てないから何も言えないけど、Bambinaccio自分のこぶしを信じるしかないです。
This is so cool, I know I am probably the one who is the most exited about this new website, but it is a fresh change from the old site. I have been so busy lately that I haven't really had the time to just sit down and enjoy my computer, but now when I log on to and see my roundhouse kick flying at me I get kind of exited. I know a lot of you want to hear more about how the fight went, but I have already moved on and am now busy preparing the next project on the list. Talking about fighting, Will "I'l Bambinaccio" Riva is fighting this Saturday, so Team Spirit will be making our way down to Kanagawa for this event. All I can say is, Will do your best and believe in yourself, Good Luck my friend.
This is so cool, I know I am probably the one who is the most exited about this new website, but it is a fresh change from the old site. I have been so busy lately that I haven't really had the time to just sit down and enjoy my computer, but now when I log on to and see my roundhouse kick flying at me I get kind of exited. I know a lot of you want to hear more about how the fight went, but I have already moved on and am now busy preparing the next project on the list. Talking about fighting, Will "I'l Bambinaccio" Riva is fighting this Saturday, so Team Spirit will be making our way down to Kanagawa for this event. All I can say is, Will do your best and believe in yourself, Good Luck my friend.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
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