Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I had to meet some friends about a bit of business and although my Dad was a bit tired from playing with the kids, I took him along for the ride. It ended up being a real fun evening, I think even so because it was the first time for him to see how business dinners are done in Japan. We all got along great and at the end of the evening we ended up in a Darts Bar, and there we were shooting Darts for rounds of drinks. As you can see Dad got pretty serious about it after loosing to me! LOL. He kicked my ass in Backgammon, but I got my sweet revenge in Darts!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Golden Week
In Japan there is something called the Golden Week, and it just started now. Today is the first of 4 national holidays, they are usually spread out a bit more, but this time 2 out of 4 are on a saturday and sunday, so we actually don't get much of a Golden Week this year. It is more like a Golden Weekend? But it still gives me an excuse to take out the hog and give it a good wash, I just changed the battery so I will be riding that sucker soon ! And then we also went to the Sea Paradise in Hakkeijima, and this is a shot of the really cute Beluga Whale!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Turning Point Test !
A.E. Factory Friday morning ! This is our first Turning Point test day, and we have to aspirants. Ayato and Justin, they have both been with us for 3 to 5 months now. And the time was right for them to test and see if they are able to become official members, and start fighting in the local amateur tournaments. From there on it will be a straight shoot to get into the Pros. Justin is about 193cm tall and weighs in at around 100kg's, he has no previous Martial Arts experience, but ever since he joined the Factory he has been training everyday. He is a good guy, that just happened to be in Japan and wanted to try out Martial Arts. Deciding that if he was going to do it then he might as well do it right and that is how he came to us. He fights South Paw, so it will be good for all of us when he really picks it up in a year or so. He exceeded out expectations and performed really well. Ayato came to us last year, and has been dedicated as well. Being a former Karate Champion his tec. is superb, so he soon adapted to the Kickboxing, and leading up to my fight on Dynamite last year he was very helpful in my training. He is so strong for his size and has that really nice personality that rubs off on everyone. He had a real hard time during the test, but showed great spirit and determination. I have big expectations for him, and am sure that he will rise to the occasion. Here are a bunch of before and after shots, I can't tell you what we did in the test because it is one of our small secrets...
金曜日朝11時、A.E. Factory初めてのターニングポイントテスト!今回はファクトリーの第一期生がテストを受けることになりました。Ayato君は昨年から来ているので時期は少し遅れたけど、もうデビューする手前まで来ているすばらしい選手になりそうです。テストの内容はここでは言えないですが、かなりきつかったです!それでも、諦めない心と負けない精神を見せてくれました、僕は大きくきたいしています。これからはファクトリーの初選手にデビューをする日はもうそんなにと遠くないです!Justinは193cmで100キロにサウスポーです、経験は今まで無いですのでファクトリーの初ピュアーブレッド選手になります、Shoji Akira先生と僕と必ず毎日2時間以上練習をしてきたのでわずかの間ですごい成長を見せてくれました。一年したらあれだけ大きい体を組み手にいかせるようになるでしょうから、自分やKoichi君のいい練習相手になるんじゃないか?性格はすごくいいです、本当に頑張ってもらいたいです。
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sosai Memorial !
Yesterday it was the memorial day for Sosai. I had to get up early in the morning and drove out to the airport and picked up my Dad! So it was kind of nice to be able to swing by the old Honbu where I had lost my Japanese Farther. It is the first time for my Dad to come to Japan, so we are gonna go out and experience a whole lot of things while he is here. At around this time of the year I get these kind of goosebumps of feelings, like I really miss Sosai. And it is always like he some where real close, I guess he is real close in my heart. I also went and taught my Karate class and it was good to put on the Dogi and just do a whole bunch of Kiai's.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
昨日はBlogに奥深い言葉を書いていたけど、あれは英語もしくはデンマーク語だから書けるんです。本当は日本語でもそれぐらい書けたらいいのに、でも漢字は知らなさ過ぎる。それと、日本語はそんなに上手くないです。。。用は、自分はバイクに乗っているときに一人でゆっくり走りながらいろんなことを考え出すときがある。美里さんを救う会!で最近人生に対しての考えることが多くなって。私たちはこんなに平和な国にいるのにこんなに平和でも悲しいことがたくさんあります。アフリカのダイヤモンドを掘っている人たちのことと比べれば、私たちはNHKのお金を払うか払わないかでもめているのはバカらしく見える。東京に住んでいるからこぞ、自分は自分でいう世界です。誰を食っていいから自分は上に上がればいいんだって言う人はたくさんいる、それは大人の世界でもあるかも分からないけど。人生にはもう少しあるんじゃないか?いざとなったときに周りを見てこんなに頑張っていたのに、体の病気には勝てないです。それで初めて人生の中にある大切なことって何か分かる、自分はは本当にもう十分なはずなのにもっと、もっと欲しいけどそれは幸せにつながらない。だって、金で幸せ買えない、なんで買えないかと言うとその金を手に入れるために周りの人間を素直に見れなくなった。周りの人間を素直に見れないひとはまた人から素直に見られないから、心は寂しい。東京だからこぞ、テレビを消せば泣いているお母さんや何週間も食べていない子供たちの泣きこえはほとんど聞こえなくなる。東京だからこぞ私たちは周りをよく見ることが必要です。今回は美里さんの件でいろんなところから一番最初に聞かれたことは、大丈夫ですか?って、それは人の顔を見れば判断できると思いますが、なにが大丈夫かって言うのは当たり前用に、これはだまされているんじゃないかっていうことでみんなは大丈夫かって?そうやっている人がいるんだろうけど、そういう人は人間のくずです、そんな人間は見れば分かるはず。岡部さんは今までいろいろあったかも分からないけど、人生に残されたことはこれしかなくなったので4歳の娘のため、美里さんのためにはやれることを全部やっていると思います。それで直接僕に電話をくれたし、合って話をして。本人の顔を見て、僕は判断しました。これはアフリカのお腹すいた子供やNew YorkでHIVと麻薬で生まれた子供の姿は可愛いそうとは言え、手が届かないところにいる。。。それとテレビを消せば忘れるかも、ひょっとしたら次にテレビをつけたときには話題が変わっているので橋の下に流れる水みたいに忘れる。だから、一人一人で世界を変えることは出来ないかも分からないけど、自分は気になっていることが手が届くようなへんにあるんだったら。その手を少しでも伸ばしてみるんじゃないか。。。話はこんな感じかと思うけど、この中だけでもいろんな話題がある。書き出すと止まらないし、どんどん次から次へ考えることがでてくる。。。
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The thing is...
The thing is that once I start to think about things in life that have true meaning, then the words just tend to pour out of me. I don't know how to stop it and I don't know if I really want to stop it. I think a lot when I am driving my bike, or even when I just sit down in front of my computer. I don't want to just sit here and talk about my training, because that is my job. I train because I both like it and because I have to. It is not the issue of why I started a blog, I wanted to be able to say what I felt like and also hear what others have in mind. Lately there are no comments on my blog, but that is OK, 'cause I know the number of hits everyday. And they don't lie, so I know that you are out there reading this and following up on what is going on in my life. It is all good, but this Charity Auction that I have been writing about a lot lately has made me wonder. It has started my train of thoughts and often that leads me to somewhere I cannot foresee. But this is a good thing, because just living everyday and going through the motions is not enough. We must be able to live a bit everyday, if we cannot live a bit everyday then why bother at all. Life is really about finding the balance between making a living and doing that at something you like. And then there is family, family is undeniable the best thing you can have. I feel lucky and blessed for being brought up in parts of the world that have been so peaceful. I know we cannot choose where we are born, or to what parents, but ask that of a starving child in the desert of Namibia? Or ask that of a child born in the Bronx to drug addicts parents, giving their first child the gift of AIDS as a celebration of being born into this world, on top of that the child is born out of a womb that has been abusing drugs. And therefore it must go on immediate drug rehab just to survive. Even in this peaceful world that I am fortunate enough to live in, there are babies being left on the streets. A place in Japan recently decided to put a box outside a hospital in where people could leave kids no questions asked! Within the first 2 months there had been dropped off 5 children, and the oldest being 5 years old...I have been very through very hard times myself, but that was never an option. I can't understand it, but at the same time these people are often pushed to the limits and going back is not that easy. So I try to help where I can, I can't do much but if I see someone less fortunate asking for help. I often help, even when I know that by giving this person money it might be wasted on booze or drugs. But at least it makes me feel like I tried. Education is the true winner in this world, if we help educate everyone to a level where common knowledge and understanding is the standard. Then people might slowly change, and change for the better. It is what we don't know that makes us fear, so in life if you don't know something then find out and you might get surprised. It was a long entry today, and I am sorry that my Japanese is not good enough to write these kinds of things.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Misato-san Charity Auction !
Last night it was the evening of the Charity Auction to try and help save Misato's life. I went there and auctioned off a pair of old shorts that I had worn in a fight, it was kind of sad to part with those shorts. But at the same time I knew that the money was going to something important. I don't know what I would do if I was in that kind of situation, but I think that Okabe-san is doing everything he can to help his wife. He also has a little daughter of his own, 4 years old about the same as my youngest girl. And seeing them together makes you think what would you do if you found yourself in that situation...I know that there are many people all over the world that are suffering, and that kind of money needed to help Misato's life could also be used to build schools in Africa or Thailand to help educate the locals....
Because it is not poverty that is the main killer in the world, it is ignorance. It is not knowing what to do, think of the people in Sierra Leone working in the diamond mines. If they were educated enough to rise up and take care for themselves, there would not be such poverty in a region of the world that should be thriving. Having such awesome natural resources should somehow translate into something more valuable. But the thing about Misato's life is, that it is someone close by that is asking for help and that is very hard to deny. I mean if you turn off the TV then you can almost forget the crying mothers and wounded babies of the world, but when someone is calling you directly asking you to help, how do you deny that? And why deny it at all, some days we must ask ourselves the question. I choose to help, I choose to try and make a difference in the world today, and if we all choose to do something good, even if it is only once in a while then I am sure the world will be a better place. It is the way of life, karma will come back to you. So do good and good will return, do bad and Karma will creep up and bite you one day you least expect it. I took this picture on my way to the Hotel yesterday, and although it was taken with my phone, I think you can imagine how powerful that ball of fire looked like in the sky over Tokyo
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Win at the Titans !
Koichi fought for the first time this year, and it was against the no.1 ranked Kuniyoshi, from Shin Nihon Kickboxing. The first round was a bit of a stand off, there was not much happening. But then they both picked up the pace in the second round and at the end of the round Koichi landed two good knee's! He then sent Kuniyoshi into the ropes and the ref. Called it a standing 8 count. He came out but just barely held on till the bell rang. In the 3rd. round there was a lot of clinching, but Koichi still dominated the fight. It was a clear decision, and well deserved. I knew how nervous he was, because everybody is putting so much on him. And this time he had been able to get a lot of people to come and watch him fight. I guess it is good that he get's so much support, now he just needs to learn to deal with the pressure a bit more. I am glad we won! We can expect him to fight again on the next SMOKER KAKUTOUGI PARTY, May 23rd. if you have time then write the date down now and wait for more information coming here!
Titans、国吉選手新日本キックランク1!Vs. Koichi第五試合でした、これはかなり早いほうで行ってすぐに手を巻いてアップしました。今年の初めての一戦なのでKoichiはいつもよりも緊張していたのです。1ラウンドはあまりよくなかったですが、2ラウンドは膝蹴りが決まったその後ラッシュをかけてダウンとりました。それから飛びひざで決めようとしたけど。。。体は確かに飛んでいたけどひざは全然上がらない!ハハハ!3ラウンドは自分のペースをとって頑張ったけど、さすがにランク1になる国吉選手は強かったです。判定でKoichiは勝ちました、それは何よりも嬉しかったです。次は5月23日のSMOKERS格闘技PARTYでKoichiは大暴れするって!応援をよろしくお願いします
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I took this shot of Okabe-san yesterday, here was on the phone with Naito-san who is the world boxing champ in Japan right now. Here he is trying to convince him to come at the Charity Auction on Monday. Today Koichi is fighting in Titans, so I am on my way out the door!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I will be attending this Charity Auction on Monday night, and if you have any interest in trying to help save a life then feel free to show up at the Sun Route Plaza Tokyo Hotel on MOnday evening 18:30 2nd. floor in the Magnolia room. I will be auctioning off a signed T-Shirt and all the earnings will be going towards helping to save Misato-san's life. She needs a heart transplant as soon as possible and her husband is trying to best he can to raise the funds to take her to Germany, where the chances of getting a new heart are a lot bigger than here in Japan.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
true love?
So you fall in love, I mean we all fall in love some time in our lives. And then the world suddenly looks different, the food tastes better even a bit of rain is OK. You can be riding your bike and some stupid taxi driver would cut you off, but that is OK! Because you are in love and everything really only matters when you are together. You just want to curl up in your bed and sleep all day, then you decide to get married and have a kid! And this is again one of the most wonderful things that can happen to you, because when you see your child's face for the first time. You are speechless, at the same time you are proud and afraid. Because suddenly you are not alone any more, there is now someone more important than you in your life that you need to take care of. But through all this time, you still wonder if she is the one? The woman in your life, the one that has given birth to your child. Is she really the one? And then you live together and share everything, and one day you wake up and you just know that you are happy. Things are good, you are happy and content. Life is going in the right direction, and when you do feel blue or when life throws you a curb ball you always have each other. And that is the day you realize that she really is the one, or maybe you are the one. It is a team work that is good for all of you, you know this is what life is really about. But...it doesn't always work out like that? Even when things seem to be going the right way something that might not seem too important at first can easily blow up in your face! And then you don't know where you are left, suddenly to find yourself without a house, money,job! Everything gone with the wind in the blink of an eye! What have you got after that? You have your family and your close friends. It is at times like these that you know where you really are in life. Thank God, I am happy and content and still in love with my woman after 10 years and 3 kids, but a close friend of mine recently had a incident that blew up in his face! I feel so sorry for him and wish there was something I could do...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Titans ! Koichi Pettas
Monday, April 14, 2008
メティカル コンシェ-ルジ Medical Concierge
So I went out to dinner with Yoshimura-san and a bunch of his new staff, every year in April in Japan big companies are required to hire new staff. ANd this year these are some of the people that joined up at Medical Concierge, a big company that helps out hospitals and other medical clinics that are under manned. I have know Yoshimura-san for quite some time now, and we have often enjoyed long conversations on Martial Arts. He has been a fan for many years and has followed both boxing, wrestling, Karate and Kickboxing. Now that we have become friends he also follows my fighting and other activities. Last night I was invited to go out with his new staff to enjoy a Sushi dinner and great conversation. I had a good time and took this shot with everyone, when I said that I would post it here they didn't believe me, but here is the shot. Thank you for the Dinner Yoshimura-san
Shizuoka Sumo and the K-1
So while I was stuck in traffic trying to make my way back to Tokyo from Shizuoka, the K-1 was in full swing in Yokohama. I really wanted to fight there, but I couldn't get a fix on my opponent. So instead I went to check out the Sumo, and there I got to hook up with the latest Grand champion, Hakuhou. Who like the other Grand Champion. Asasyouryu is of Mongolian decent. They ended up finishing off the day by facing off against each other. It was a clash worthy of Titans, to see these huge guys wrestle like that in front of your eyes is something truly amazing. Here is a shot with some of the kids that practice and also one with the Grand Champion, Hakuhou.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I have been a bit busy these last few days, went out with Bob after Ryo's fight and that took all night...But then we had to drive down here to Shizuoka because we( A.E. Enterprise) are hosting a Sumo tournament today. So Last night we had dinner with a couple of nearly champions and today we are all going over to see them fight each other. Last time we did it I got a picture with Asasyoryu the Mongolian Yokuzuna, I wonder if I will a chance to see him again. Anyway, Ryo lost his fight, it was against Kimura who is a south paw and former champion of the weight class below. So you can say that he was kind of experienced, he got Ryo as he was stepping in with a nice knee and that was all he wrote that day. It is hard to see that happen after all the hard training he has been through.I took these pic. yesterday while they were still making the ring for today. It takes a whole day to prepare the Dohyo, Sumo ring, and after today it is all going to be taken down.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ryo Pettas ! in J-Network Tonight
Korakuen, tonight! Ryo Pettas is going up against the rank 6 fighter Kimura. Kimura is the former Champion of the weight class just below this class, so he is considered the contender at the moment. But like always Ryo has been training hard and things are looking good. I am sure that it will be a good fight! If you are here in JP and have some time then pitch up and check it out!
今日、夜、後楽園にRyo Pettasが木村選手、ランク6、との対戦が決まっています。木村選手はこの一つ下の階級のチャンピョンなので本当に強いと思われています。現在のチャンピョンは細野選手だけど、この木村選手のほうが強いんじゃないかって言われています。今日は弟の熱いファイットで勝利を手に入れれるか分からないけど、すぺてだしてもらいたいです。最高に調子はいいはずです、後はやることをしっかりやってもらいたいです。もし、時間があったら応援にも行きませんか?
今日、夜、後楽園にRyo Pettasが木村選手、ランク6、との対戦が決まっています。木村選手はこの一つ下の階級のチャンピョンなので本当に強いと思われています。現在のチャンピョンは細野選手だけど、この木村選手のほうが強いんじゃないかって言われています。今日は弟の熱いファイットで勝利を手に入れれるか分からないけど、すぺてだしてもらいたいです。最高に調子はいいはずです、後はやることをしっかりやってもらいたいです。もし、時間があったら応援にも行きませんか?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Bungelig Bay & A.E. Factory
So we found the best place for our next "SMOKERS" event, when I walked in there I couldn't believe that the place had never been used for something like this at all. It is like we are going to be the first, and it is going to be awesome. I wont tell you where it is going to be just yet, but please follow our progress here and check for updates. The event is set to be in the end of May, so you can see that we have a lot to get ready for. I am totally exited about it, because I can almost feel how good the place is for something like this. Last night we all got together for a dinner meeting, and as you can see we were getting pretty exited about the whole thing. It is important to talk about everything, and to hear every body's opinion. So the more information we have the better we can make the event. It is a huge project to hold even a small event like this, but when you see the fights come together it is all worth it.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hollywood Fashion & Beauty College
This is Matt Taylor, I think you might remember I spoke about his www.GNDFund.org The RIng of Fire is openening up in Japan theathers from June 1st. Today we were having a meeting about airing the movie in the Cinema inside the Hollowood Fashion & Beauty College in Roppongi Hills. The picture I took here with Matt Taylor and Honda Sensei was taken inside the special japanese tea room inside the Hollywood College...It was amazing!
今日は六本木ヒルズのハリウッド美容専門学校でマット・テイラーさんと本田先生や、と打ち合わせをしました。この前はマットさんのことを言いましたの覚えていますか?www.GHDFund.org ”原爆の日”っていう映画を作りまして。それはこれから全国に上映する、それに向けてもうだいぶ前からいろんなところに協力してもらうように頑張っています。今日は僕の友人でもある人に日本のお兄さんと一緒に同席させてもらいました。僕は何の役にも立たなかったけど、一緒にいるだけで何か学んでいる気分です。写真は専門学校の中でとりました。。。本当にすごい和室です。まさか、六本木ヒルズの中にそんなところがある何ってびっくりしました。
今日は六本木ヒルズのハリウッド美容専門学校でマット・テイラーさんと本田先生や、と打ち合わせをしました。この前はマットさんのことを言いましたの覚えていますか?www.GHDFund.org ”原爆の日”っていう映画を作りまして。それはこれから全国に上映する、それに向けてもうだいぶ前からいろんなところに協力してもらうように頑張っています。今日は僕の友人でもある人に日本のお兄さんと一緒に同席させてもらいました。僕は何の役にも立たなかったけど、一緒にいるだけで何か学んでいる気分です。写真は専門学校の中でとりました。。。本当にすごい和室です。まさか、六本木ヒルズの中にそんなところがある何ってびっくりしました。
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Car wash and a couple of new fish!
It was such a nice yesterday that I decided to wash my car before going to the store, we had planned a BBQ and I needed to go out and get the meats and other good stuff. ANyway, I love driving in my car when it has had a good scrub, it shines and makes me shine too. And at the store when I got into my car I could hear a couple of kids saying, That is Nicholas Pettas ! Wow check out his car too...I am glad I had just washed it and shined the rims. Anyway, feeling like that I could drive all day, but instead of driving all day I just swung by the fish shop and picked a couple of new fish.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Last day of the Spring Break
That is right, today is the last day of the spring break over here in Japan. And tomorrow my second girl starts school! I can't believe that from tomorrow I will have to check out two girls home work. It is like going back to school all over again, except without the fun of having to hang out with your friends all day...Anyway, we are having a last kind of Hanami/BBQ at the house today and luckily it is excellent weather outside. I think I might wash my car and then go out shopping, I wanted to get a couple of new fish for my tank since I cleaned it out the other day it has been looking a bit lonely. I mean 250Liters of water and 5 small blue fish is not exactly exiting to watch...But let's see if I get the time to go out and have a look at some yellow fish today before everyone starts to show up. Today is also my perfect rest day, so I am not going to do anything that will make me tired. I am just going to enjoy the day and try and reload for the coming week, 'cause there is a lot of training waiting for me out there.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Location Hunters !
Lately we have been out scouting for a new location for the event " SMOKERS", and this place we are standing in here was just awesome. I am not sure if we can afford to rent the place and have a event there, but if there is a way to get this to happen, then I would love to hold an event there. Even Koichi got exited and said that he wanted to fight too, hell, I might want to fight if it gets real good. The place was big enough to have VIP seat with dinner tables and there was a whole other section on the 3rd. floor for the fighters to warm up and get ready. And then after the whole event is finished we could even have the after party upstairs. It is just such a perfect place, now we just have to convince the manager to give us a good deal and then it is just to push through. Today is such a nice day here in Tokyo, like it has been getting real nice lately. I am got up early and had breakfast with the kids and then now after I finish writing this here, I am going for a run in the Yoyogi Park. Now it is just perfect to run over there, not too hot like in the middle of the summer, and not too cold like in the winter. I am getting exited about it just writing about it. Gotta go and get ready for my next fight! I know it is 3 months away, but that is not going to stop me from getting ready for it now...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Non-Stop Maruyama!
Last weekend we all drove down to help out Maruyama in his fight at the HEAT 6, and we all had a good time. MAruyama fought like a Lion and should have won the fight, but it is not so easy when you are up against the local champion. Here a couple of shots of us before and after the fight. Next up is Ryo Pettas, he is fighting in Korakuen on the 11th. against the rank 6, slowly but surely we are working our way towards the top. His opponent is a taller south paw, but since Ryo is always training with Shin-chan who is also south paw, I am not too worried about his performance. Koichi Pettas is also getting ready to fight on the Titans card this month on the 20th. it should be a good fight too. Although I didn't get the fight in Yokohama, I am set to fight on the card June 29th. in Fukuoka. So we all have something coming up the training is going really well, someone is fighting almost every week, it keeps us all fit and strong all the time. TEAM SPIRIT is always ready to fight! Please again don't forget Misato-san, as we are writing and reading this here, her life is ticking away...
この前のHEAT6で一緒に名古屋行ったときの写真ですが、丸山君は今まで以上にパフォーマンスを見せてくれたので次の試合には絶対つながると思います。チャンピョン丈太郎選手とそこまで出来るようになった丸山君は一つ大きく成長したと思います。これからの試合は楽しみです。次はRyo Pettasが後楽園でランク戦があります、11日は後楽園に行って大暴れしたいです。20日はKoichi PettasがTitansに挑戦してきます、みんな練習で忙しいですけどこれぐらいになってくると楽しいです。自分は4月の13日の試合は流れてしまったけど、次は6月29日は福岡です。みんな目標があって楽しいです。それと昨日の美里さんの救う会の話はありましたが、気持ちだけでいいから応援してください。我々は今こうやって普通にしている間本人の命はダンダン無くなっていくんです。。。
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I forgot the April's Fool !
Arh, I forgot it yesterday was the April's Fool day! I can't believe it, and nobody pulled any numbers on me either...Well, I guess that todays topic is not a fools thing. A friend of mine's wife has come down with a broken heart, and the only way to help her is to have a new heart transplanted. This is very very hard to get done in Japan, so there is a chance that he might be done faster in Germany. The thing is, it can take up to 5 years to have it done in Japan. So since Okabe's wife's life is hanging on a thread, he asked me to help him try and get together as much as possible. He has until the end of April to get the 400.000 Dollars together to get a a garanteed spot on the list in Germany. I know this sounds a bit fishy, but I have spoken to the guy and he has given up everything to get this money together. I told him that I would do what I can, so if you feel like making a donation then I will post the list here and you can send whatever you like.
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