So I went out to dinner with Yoshimura-san and a bunch of his new staff, every year in April in Japan big companies are required to hire new staff. ANd this year these are some of the people that joined up at Medical Concierge, a big company that helps out hospitals and other medical clinics that are under manned. I have know Yoshimura-san for quite some time now, and we have often enjoyed long conversations on Martial Arts. He has been a fan for many years and has followed both boxing, wrestling, Karate and Kickboxing. Now that we have become friends he also follows my fighting and other activities. Last night I was invited to go out with his new staff to enjoy a Sushi dinner and great conversation. I had a good time and took this shot with everyone, when I said that I would post it here they didn't believe me, but here is the shot. Thank you for the Dinner Yoshimura-san