Koichi fought for the first time this year, and it was against the no.1 ranked Kuniyoshi, from Shin Nihon Kickboxing. The first round was a bit of a stand off, there was not much happening. But then they both picked up the pace in the second round and at the end of the round Koichi landed two good knee's! He then sent Kuniyoshi into the ropes and the ref. Called it a standing 8 count. He came out but just barely held on till the bell rang. In the 3rd. round there was a lot of clinching, but Koichi still dominated the fight. It was a clear decision, and well deserved. I knew how nervous he was, because everybody is putting so much on him. And this time he had been able to get a lot of people to come and watch him fight. I guess it is good that he get's so much support, now he just needs to learn to deal with the pressure a bit more. I am glad we won! We can expect him to fight again on the next SMOKER KAKUTOUGI PARTY, May 23rd. if you have time then write the date down now and wait for more information coming here!

Titans、国吉選手新日本キックランク1!Vs. Koichi第五試合でした、これはかなり早いほうで行ってすぐに手を巻いてアップしました。今年の初めての一戦なのでKoichiはいつもよりも緊張していたのです。1ラウンドはあまりよくなかったですが、2ラウンドは膝蹴りが決まったその後ラッシュをかけてダウンとりました。それから飛びひざで決めようとしたけど。。。体は確かに飛んでいたけどひざは全然上がらない!ハハハ!3ラウンドは自分のペースをとって頑張ったけど、さすがにランク1になる国吉選手は強かったです。判定でKoichiは勝ちました、それは何よりも嬉しかったです。次は5月23日のSMOKERS格闘技PARTYでKoichiは大暴れするって!応援をよろしくお願いします