I have been a bit busy these last few days, went out with Bob after Ryo's fight and that took all night...But then we had to drive down here to Shizuoka because we( A.E. Enterprise) are hosting a Sumo tournament today. So Last night we had dinner with a couple of nearly champions and today we are all going over to see them fight each other. Last time we did it I got a picture with Asasyoryu the Mongolian Yokuzuna, I wonder if I will a chance to see him again. Anyway, Ryo lost his fight, it was against Kimura who is a south paw and former champion of the weight class below. So you can say that he was kind of experienced, he got Ryo as he was stepping in with a nice knee and that was all he wrote that day. It is hard to see that happen after all the hard training he has been through.I took these pic. yesterday while they were still making the ring for today. It takes a whole day to prepare the Dohyo, Sumo ring, and after today it is all going to be taken down.