That is right, today is the last day of the spring break over here in Japan. And tomorrow my second girl starts school! I can't believe that from tomorrow I will have to check out two girls home work. It is like going back to school all over again, except without the fun of having to hang out with your friends all day...Anyway, we are having a last kind of Hanami/BBQ at the house today and luckily it is excellent weather outside. I think I might wash my car and then go out shopping, I wanted to get a couple of new fish for my tank since I cleaned it out the other day it has been looking a bit lonely. I mean 250Liters of water and 5 small blue fish is not exactly exiting to watch...But let's see if I get the time to go out and have a look at some yellow fish today before everyone starts to show up. Today is also my perfect rest day, so I am not going to do anything that will make me tired. I am just going to enjoy the day and try and reload for the coming week, 'cause there is a lot of training waiting for me out there.
