A.E. Factory Friday morning ! This is our first Turning Point test day, and we have to aspirants. Ayato and Justin, they have both been with us for 3 to 5 months now. And the time was right for them to test and see if they are able to become official members, and start fighting in the local amateur tournaments. From there on it will be a straight shoot to get into the Pros. Justin is about 193cm tall and weighs in at around 100kg's, he has no previous Martial Arts experience, but ever since he joined the Factory he has been training everyday. He is a good guy, that just happened to be in Japan and wanted to try out Martial Arts. Deciding that if he was going to do it then he might as well do it right and that is how he came to us. He fights South Paw, so it will be good for all of us when he really picks it up in a year or so. He exceeded out expectations and performed really well. Ayato came to us last year, and has been dedicated as well. Being a former Karate Champion his tec. is superb, so he soon adapted to the Kickboxing, and leading up to my fight on Dynamite last year he was very helpful in my training. He is so strong for his size and has that really nice personality that rubs off on everyone. He had a real hard time during the test, but showed great spirit and determination. I have big expectations for him, and am sure that he will rise to the occasion. Here are a bunch of before and after shots, I can't tell you what we did in the test because it is one of our small secrets...

金曜日朝11時、A.E. Factory初めてのターニングポイントテスト!今回はファクトリーの第一期生がテストを受けることになりました。Ayato君は昨年から来ているので時期は少し遅れたけど、もうデビューする手前まで来ているすばらしい選手になりそうです。テストの内容はここでは言えないですが、かなりきつかったです!それでも、諦めない心と負けない精神を見せてくれました、僕は大きくきたいしています。これからはファクトリーの初選手にデビューをする日はもうそんなにと遠くないです!Justinは193cmで100キロにサウスポーです、経験は今まで無いですのでファクトリーの初ピュアーブレッド選手になります、Shoji Akira先生と僕と必ず毎日2時間以上練習をしてきたのでわずかの間ですごい成長を見せてくれました。一年したらあれだけ大きい体を組み手にいかせるようになるでしょうから、自分やKoichi君のいい練習相手になるんじゃないか?性格はすごくいいです、本当に頑張ってもらいたいです。