So we found the best place for our next "SMOKERS" event, when I walked in there I couldn't believe that the place had never been used for something like this at all. It is like we are going to be the first, and it is going to be awesome. I wont tell you where it is going to be just yet, but please follow our progress here and check for updates. The event is set to be in the end of May, so you can see that we have a lot to get ready for. I am totally exited about it, because I can almost feel how good the place is for something like this. Last night we all got together for a dinner meeting, and as you can see we were getting pretty exited about the whole thing. It is important to talk about everything, and to hear every body's opinion. So the more information we have the better we can make the event. It is a huge project to hold even a small event like this, but when you see the fights come together it is all worth it.