Last weekend we all drove down to help out Maruyama in his fight at the HEAT 6, and we all had a good time. MAruyama fought like a Lion and should have won the fight, but it is not so easy when you are up against the local champion. Here a couple of shots of us before and after the fight. Next up is Ryo Pettas, he is fighting in Korakuen on the 11th. against the rank 6, slowly but surely we are working our way towards the top. His opponent is a taller south paw, but since Ryo is always training with Shin-chan who is also south paw, I am not too worried about his performance. Koichi Pettas is also getting ready to fight on the Titans card this month on the 20th. it should be a good fight too. Although I didn't get the fight in Yokohama, I am set to fight on the card June 29th. in Fukuoka. So we all have something coming up the training is going really well, someone is fighting almost every week, it keeps us all fit and strong all the time. TEAM SPIRIT is always ready to fight! Please again don't forget Misato-san, as we are writing and reading this here, her life is ticking away...

この前のHEAT6で一緒に名古屋行ったときの写真ですが、丸山君は今まで以上にパフォーマンスを見せてくれたので次の試合には絶対つながると思います。チャンピョン丈太郎選手とそこまで出来るようになった丸山君は一つ大きく成長したと思います。これからの試合は楽しみです。次はRyo Pettasが後楽園でランク戦があります、11日は後楽園に行って大暴れしたいです。20日はKoichi PettasがTitansに挑戦してきます、みんな練習で忙しいですけどこれぐらいになってくると楽しいです。自分は4月の13日の試合は流れてしまったけど、次は6月29日は福岡です。みんな目標があって楽しいです。それと昨日の美里さんの救う会の話はありましたが、気持ちだけでいいから応援してください。我々は今こうやって普通にしている間本人の命はダンダン無くなっていくんです。。。